Y12 Transition Project AS Computer Science Free Powerpoint Templates
Task – Research and Present Your task is to research ‘The individual (moral) social ( ethical) and cultural opportunities and risks of digital technology’ related to a topic area of your choice from a list of options, and prepare a presentation discussing the topic
Task – Research and Present You must describe / explain the topic area You must include both positive and negative impacts Include relevant examples or case studies Consider hardware, software and communication You will be presenting to your AS Computer class during the first 2 weeks of term.
Topic area ideas…. Computers in the Workforce Automated Decision Making Artificial intelligence Environmental effects Censorship and the Internet Monitor behaviour Analyse personal information Piracy and offensive communications
Presentation guidance 10-15 slides (use bullet points, and a balance of text and images) 3-5 minutes Prepare speaker notes Props allowed! You will be marked on Presentation style (how well you present) Clarity of delivery (how clear you are) Concise content (to the point) Quality of presentation material (slides, handouts etc)
Hand in Email your presentation to Mrs Early searly@corfehills.net by the end of the second week back. Be prepared to present it to the class during the first few weeks of term