English at Longtown Primary School January 2019
We would like you to: Understand how English is taught throughout the school. Understand how teachers teach your children to read and write Tips and suggestions to support your children’s learning in English at home.
Warm up game Pick one post stick not from the table. One table to write a noun. One table to write an adjective. Walk around the room can you pair up with someone to create a sentence.
Questions So what questions do you have about the way English is taught to your child? Write them on a post stick note. Over the session we will try and answer them
Use of standard English Children need to be taught how to talk well. If your child makes a mistake when speaking, correct them in a positive way. Children write how they speak- e.g Can I go for the toilet? Over 2 billion people worldwide use the English language. Most of the content produced on the internet (50%) is in English so we need to have a good level of understanding.
Standard Tests in KS1 and KS2 Share examples of the type of questions your children will experience through the testing process. Have a go at these questions and discuss with each other.
Process Cold Task- no help, we use this to plan the children’s learning Story Map- find the features – confident talkers, bank of stories. Gathering Content Innovate Invent our own story/text ( Hot Task)
Combining reading and writing skills. ( Talk for Writing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ycJqwwkSbg
Making tricky ideas accessible to children. SC: -Speech Sentences -Fronted Adverbials -Conjunctions -Adjectives -Adverbs
Reading at Longtown Primary KS1 Children begin to learn phonics in Early Years, continuing to Year 2 ( End of Key Stage 1) Phonics is used to teach children sounds in order to read and spell words. E.g SATPIN. There can be sounded out and blended together e.g S-A-T become sat. There are five phases of phonics, each containing different sounds. Once children have learned these, they then apply to their writing skills by breaking the word up to spell it for writing. Children are assessed on phonics regularly to track progress and group. At the end of Y1- Phonics Screening. Year 2- KS1 Reading and SPaG SAT. Once children can read words, they then use this to understand texts- comprehension.
Reading at Longtown Primary KS2 Children are assessed and given a reading age via Accelerated Reader. This gives them a score e.g 3.4-3.7 Children then choose appropriate books from their band to read at home. During Reading carousel in the morning, children undertake comprehension and vocabulary tasks to secure their understanding and read once a week ( or more) with an adult. Reading assessed via formal tests ( PIXl and through teacher’s work in reading sessions).
Games and Activities to support English at home. Phonics Play- Games and activities linked to your child’s phonic phase Sentence builders- (model) Practise sounds/spellings outside e.g chalk, sand, in the bath, shaving foam etc Daily reading- ask your children to summarise what they have read to you and what they learned from the text Scrabble- great for spelling, Board games – to encourage discussion with others and turn taking. Spelling Shed- games linked to spelling rules Encourage your children to write and read for a purpose e.g shopping lists, journals, researching places to go on days out. Supermovers- songs and dances to support English.
Questions/Next steps.