MWPC (Multiwire proportional chamber)


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Presentation transcript:

MWPC (Multiwire proportional chamber) Part-III MWPC (Multiwire proportional chamber)

First design of MWPC

More sophisticated design, later developed

Why segmented electrodes?

Is diffusion of primary electrons affecting the position resolution?

Actually inside the MWPC not much, because signals from Simulation Actually inside the MWPC not much, because signals from several electrodes are taken into account

Vacuum, gas, liquid, solid-state The principle of segmented electrodes and induced signal is used in ALL position sensitive detectors: Vacuum, gas, liquid, solid-state

3-D sensitive MWPV-TPC Due to the long drift region, the effect of the diffusion should be considered seriously


MWPC vs. bubble chambers Dimensions/geometry Event selection (trigger) Rate capability ~10/sec , LHC ~109/sec Electronics readout digital files vs. pictures Data processing computer vs. visual inspection