11 caGrid adoption at the NCRI Informatics Initiative in the UK ONIX use of caGrid technology Edward Zukowski July, 2009
22 Overview ONIX architecture overview Resource catalogue caGrid wrappers for UK resources LexEVS adoption
3 ONIX – Technology used Portal o GWT/CSS/Flash o Java6/Spring/Hibernate/Lucene Grid o caGrid tools (Introduce, caCORE etc) o Security (Dorian, Grouper, syncGTS) o Vocabulary (LexEVS) o Database o mySQL
4 ONIX – Components
5 Resource catalogue Resource catalogue is part of ONIX portal Goal: resource discovery – what exists Lists electronic resources relevant for cancer researchers All types of resources (not only web services) Combines curated and electronically imported items Contains all caGrid services (electronic import) Import developed with caGrid Portal code reuse Refresh on weekly basis
6 caGrid wrappers for UK resources Two UK resources selected for the prototypes: UK PubMed Image and Pathology project Introduce used for development Both services are data service with custom query processor I&P is secured service but incompatible with caGrid certificates translation required Lessons learned: keep the model small and simple make sure the candidate resource makes sense in context of grid data service
7 LexEVS adoption LexEVS chosen as vocabulary server First version of vocabulary browser included in ONIX version 1.2 Two vocabularies in use: NCI thesaurus Gene Ontology Goals: Enrich querying capabilities Educate our users
8 Federated Terminology Space (FTS) ONIX has incorporated LexEVS as its terminology server expressly to participate in a future FTS In short term ONIX utilizes a stand alone installation of LexEVS to support its terminology service. A number of benefits to be gained Service resiliency & Load balancing Centralized update and replication of vocabularies
9 Future plans Semantic queries based on caGrid metadata caGrid resource discovery based on LexEVS concepts Search query enhanced by LexEVS synonyms lookup Support for UK community in area of ontology development Set trust fabric with caGrid
10 Thank you! Questions? Further information: At this event: Please visit us at booth 20 & see our poster 70 Semantic Concept-Based Queries for ONIX - caGrid case A Gonzalez-Beltran (UCL), A Finkelstein (UCL), M Wilkinson (NCRI), J Kramer (ICL) Online: