Curriculum Map ‘18-’19 Math Social Stud. August September October ELA Subject August September October Math Topic 1 + 13.1: Place Value (13 days) Topic 2 + 13.2: Add & Subtract Decimals (10 days) Topic 3 + 13.3: Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers (11 days) Smart Goal Q1: Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers & Decimals Topic 4: Use Models & Strategies to Multiply Decimals (10 days) Social Stud. Native Americans & Explorers (see scope & sequence on -Regions -Native Americans -Explorers -DBQ (social studies) -Text dependent questions -Writing about reading (Social Studies) -Guided Reading (Social Studies) ELA -Grammar Practice -Word Study/Vocabulary -Phonics/Spelling patterns -Writing (Word Choice & Conventions) -Independent Reading Smart Goal Q1 - Figurative language “Eleven" “Black Cowboy” “A boy called Slow” “Grizzly Bear” Novel Studies Science Eight week rotation of Foss Kits: Mixtures & Solutions 5-PS1-1; 5-PS1-2; 5-PS1-3; 5-PS1-4; 5-PS2-1 Essential Questions: Can new substance be created by combining other substances? When matter changes, does its weight change? Janes – Mystery Science Estes – Living Systems Eckart/Ferris – Mixtures & Solutions Coonce – Earth and Sun
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19 Math Social Stud. October November December ELA Subject October November December Math Topic 4: Use Models & Strategies to Multiply Decimals (3 days) Topic 5: Use Models & Strategies to Divide Whole Numbers (12 days) Smart Goal Q2: Divide Multi-Digit Whole Numbers & Decimals Topic 6: Use Models & Strategies to Divide Decimals (12 days) Topic 7: Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract Fractions (17 days) Smart Goal Q3: Fractions (+,-,x,÷) Pre test before topic 7 final test after topic 9 Social Stud. Colonization & Road to Revolution (See scope and sequence on -Colonial America -DBQ (social studies) -Text dependent questions -Writing about reading (Social Studies) -Guided Reading (Social Studies) ELA -Grammar Practice -Word Study/Vocabulary -Phonics/Spelling patterns -Expository Writing (Ideas & Content, Organization) -Independent Reading SLO – Jamestown DBQ “And then what happened, Paul Revere?” Novel Studies Science Eight week rotation of Foss Kits: Living Systems 5-ESS2-1; 5-ESS2-2; 5-ESS3-1; 5-LS2-1 Essential Questions: How does matter cycle through ecosystems? How much water can be found in different places on Earth? Janes & Ferris – Mystery Science Estes – Earth & Sun Eckart – Living Systems Coonce – Mixtures & Solutions
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19 Math Social Stud. January February March ELA Subject January February March Math Topic 8: Multiply Fractions (11 days) Topic 9: Divide Fractions (11 days) Topic 16: Classify Two-Dimensional Figures (6 days) Topic 10: Understand Volume Concepts (9 days) Topic 11: Convert Measurement (11 days) Smart Goal Q4: Volume Social Stud. Revolutionary War (see scope & sequence on -Revolutionary War -DBQ (social studies) -Text dependent questions -Writing about reading (Social Studies) -Guided Reading (Social Studies) ELA -Grammar Practice -Word Study/Vocabulary -Phonics/Spelling patterns -Opinion Writing (Organization, Voice) -Independent Reading Smart goal Q3 – text dependent questions with “Katie’s Trunk” “James Forten” Novel Studies Science Eight week rotation of Foss Kits: Earth & Sun 5-LS-1; 5-PS3-1; 5-ESS1-1; 5-ESS1-2 Essential Questions: Where does the energy in food come from & what is it used for? How do the lengths and directions of shadows or relative lengths of day & night change from day to day? How does the appearance of some stars change in different seasons? Janes – Mystery Science Estes – Mixtures & Solutions Eckart – Earth and Sun Coonce – Living Systems
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19 Math Social Stud. April May June ELA Science Subject April May June Math Topic 12: Represent and Interpret Data (7 days) Topic 14: Graph points on the Coordinate Grid (7 days) Topic 15: Analyze Patterns and Relationships (7 days) Step up to 6th grade (18 days) Reteach topics Social Stud. Democracy over time -We the people -Financial Literacy -DBQ (social studies) -Text dependent questions -Writing about reading (Social Studies) -Guided Reading (Social Studies) ELA -Grammar Practice -Word Study/Vocabulary -Phonics/Spelling patterns -Narrative Writing -Independent Reading Smart Goal Q4 – Poetry “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost ELA Review of all topics Novel Studies Science SBAC testing & Mystery Science
Mixtures and Solutions SBAC review & Mystery Science Curriculum Map ‘18-’19 Date Estes Eckart Coonce Ferris Janes August 6th-September 24th Quarter 1 Living Systems Mixtures and Solutions Earth and Sun Mystery Science October 8th-December 17th Quarter 2 January 14th – March 18th Quarter 3 April 8th - June 3rd Quarter 4 SBAC review & Mystery Science
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19
Curriculum Map ‘18-’19