Student Activities or Assignments The Unit Organizer Nature of Science 5 BIGGER PICTURE 3 LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT/Unit Organizer Safety and Measurement 4 NEXT UNIT /Experience 2 Matter As affected through Timeframe and Student Activities or Assignments 8 6 UNIT MAP Scientific Inquiry, Lab Safety, and measurement is about... Through the Use of the Temperature Sci Meth Notes . Penny Lab/ Joe’s B-day cake WS The Scientific Method Pre-Test/Vocabulary List-Due Friday Leading to the Calculation of Intro to Engrade As demonstrated by Proper use of Density Simpson’s Variables WS-Due Thursday Using Foldables Using Equipment and Procedures Conversions and units used when determining length/distance Graphing ppt/practice Equations and equipment for measuring volume Metrics ppt/Notes Length Lab/Metric Practice Packet Gummy Bear Lab-Donations Needed How does an observation differ from an inference within the Nature of Science? What instrument is used to find the mass of an object? How does one calculate the volume? What is the density of water? What is the coldest temperature possible? How does one calculate the density of an object? What are the three base units in the Metric System? 7 9 Strategies Instructional Essential QUESTIONS
Density The Unit Organizer Temperature Scientific Method NAME DATE The Unit Organizer Questions Reflections Unit and Expanded Unit Map is about... 10 11 Scientific Inquiry, Lab Safety, and Measurement Temperature Scientific Method Equipment & Procedures Density Conversions and Units for Length & Distance Equations and Equipment for Volume 12 Resources
The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map NAME DATE 10 is about... 11 Questions Reflections Unit and Expanded Unit Map is about... 10 11 12 Resources