Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments June 2019 New horizon year for the Plan will be 2050
2050 OKI is updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (a.k.a. the long range plan) 2050
Overview Prerequisite for federal funds Required update every 4 years Minimum 20 year horizon Conformity required (fiscal & AQ) Multi-modal Address the 10 Planning Factors Moving now to our Plan Summary presentation…: Permit me to share the Plan’s prerequisites – with which we must adhere, so that OKI may receive and invest federal funds for regional transportation improvements: We are required to update the Plan document every 4 years The Plan must contain a minimum 20 year planning horizon The Plan must exhibit BOTH fiscal constraint and air quality conformity. The Plan must be Multi-modal The Plan must seek to provide safe and efficient movement of people and goods – thus reducing crash rates and congestion. It is important to note that although the plan is updated every four years, we do have the ability to amend it as needed.
10 Transportation Planning Factors Support the economic vitality Increase safety Increase security Increase the accessibility and mobility options Protect and enhance the environment Connectivity across & between modes, for people & freight Efficient system management and operation System preservation Resiliency and reliability of the system and reduce or mitigate stormwater impacts of surface transportation Enhance tourism
Transportation Planning Process (Summer 2019) Existing conditions Needs Assessment Account for changes The usual stuff: The update of this Plan has followed a traditional application of the transportation planning process: First, staff worked with members, local and state agency representatives, and the public to IDENTIFY EXISTING and FUTURE transportation CONDITIONS Second, all resources will be used to ANALYZE the region’s transportation NEEDS We will conduct the typical inventory and needs assessment activities and track performance measure
Transportation Planning Process (Summer 2019) Existing conditions Needs Assessment Account for changes New considerations since last plan update: There has been a pretty significant change (additions) Uber/Lyft is an established option, scooters and e-bikes for short trips are out there now in CBDs of our region. Connected and autonomous AV What else?
What will the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles be?? Planning for Change What will the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles be?? How quickly and in what form CAV saturation occurs (mostly vehicle based without a lot of infrastructure required VS a high dependency on infrastructure). Plus there is another dimension to consider…the amount of ride sharing which is closely related to the auto ownership model. Without ridesharing the system will have to deal with a lot more vehicle trips.
What will the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles be?? Potential Changes in Investment Mix What will the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles be?? During this planning period we need to consider the impacts of changes in mode and autonomy the investment approach. More/less/about the same. More infrastructure needed or less, what type. Do the modes exist as we know them today?
Background and Data Collection Schedule Background and Data Collection Scenario Testing Draft Project List Adoption Summer 2019 Fall 2019 Feb. 2020 June 2020 Participation Plan
Participation Plan A combination of techniques that provide and obtain information from both transportation stakeholders and the general public. ICC, Board and Executive Committee monthly updates Dedicated 2050 website Social media – Facebook and Twitter Facebook live segments Survey(s) on social media Community events (seeking events from ICC, Board and Exec Comm members) Public Hearing
Due by November 1 (appreciated if sooner) Request! Submit projects for consideration in the Plan Capacity adding (new road or add lanes) New regional multi-use path New transit facilities such as transit hubs and park n ride New port facilities Due by November 1 (appreciated if sooner) Description, location and cost estimate in today’s dollars
Thank you
Deputy Executive Director Robert Koehler, P.E. Deputy Executive Director rkoehler@oki.org 513-619-7676