Sherlock Holmes: “At the sound of our steps he glanced round and sprang to his feet with a cry of pleasure” “Tables were scattered about, which bristled with retorts, test-tubes, and little Bunsen lamps” “Beautiful, beautiful, The old Guiacum test was very clumsy and uncertain. So is the microscopic examination for blood corpuscles. ” Task: What do these lines from Arthur Conan Doyle show us about the word’s most famous detective.
Your Detective: E) How old are they? What do they look like? What kind of clothes do they wear? How do they act or behave? What kind of language do they use? A) Is your detective male or female? Your Detective: C) What does their office look like? D) What does their house look like? B) Are they a professional detective – is it their only job? Or an amateur with another job? What is their other job? F) What is their attitude towards crime and criminals? Where will they be when you introduce them to the reader? What will they be doing? Why are they there?
Your Detective: Tasks 1. Write a short description of your detective in which you tell the reader what he/she is like 2. Write a short description in which you show the reader what he/she is like. 3. Evaluate which one is more effective?