Hosted Mrs. Hey 100 200 400 300 400 Columbian Exchange Wild Endings SearchingTechnology 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.


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Presentation transcript:

Hosted Mrs. Hey

Columbian Exchange Wild Endings SearchingTechnology

Row 1, Col 1 Horses What did the Spaniards bring to the New World?

1,2 Ponce de Leon Who was shot with a poisoned arrow while searching for the Fountain of Youth?

1,3 An all water route to Asia What is the Northwest Passage?

1,4 Nautical Maps What allowed sailors to sail out of site of land?

2,1 Smallpox and malaria What are two diseases the Europeans introduced to the New World?

2,2 Killed in a battle in the Philippines; nearly being the first to circumnavigate the globe Who was Ferdinand Magellan?

2,3 Gold and silver What riches were the early explorers looking for?

2,4 Locating stars in its sights and measuring the elevation of the stars allowed sailors to identify a ships approximate position. What does and astrolabe do?

3,1 Three food items introduced to Europe from the New World What are tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate?

3,2 Set afloat by his mutinous crew to fend for himself never to be heard from again Who was Henry Hudson?

3,3 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado What were the Seven Cities of Gold?

3,4 The Silk Road What was the land route from Europe to Asia?

4,1 Contact that led to an exchange of plants, animals, and diseases that altered life on both sides of the Atlantic What is the Columbian Exchange?

4,2 Beheaded by the natives of modern day Panama Who is Balboa?

4,3 New converts to Christianity What was one reason for exploration?

4,4 Spanish Galleons What were the large Spanish ships designed to carry heavy loads of gold and silver?

5,1 The beginning of a connection to the American Civil War What is the first act of African slavery?

5,2 American woman who attempted to be the first female to circumnavigate the globe in an airplane Who was Amelia Earhart?

5,3 To cover the salty taste or taste of spoiled meat Why did Europeans crave exotic spices?

5,4 Portugese Caravel What is the three masted ship that could sail faster, carry more cargo, and sail in shallow water?