Fig. 3 Piezoresistive e-skin with interlocked microdome arrays for simultaneous detection of static pressure and temperature. Piezoresistive e-skin with interlocked microdome arrays for simultaneous detection of static pressure and temperature. (A) Schematic illustration of the e-skin with interlocked microdome array. A tilted SEM image shows the microdome arrays that are 10 μm in diameter, 4 μm in height, and 12 μm in pitch size. Scale bar, 10 μm. (B) Relative resistances of e-skins with interlocked microdome (circle) and single planar (triangle) geometries as a function of applied pressure for different rGO loading concentrations. (C) Relative resistances of e-skins with interlocked microdome (red) and single planar (black) geometries as a function of temperature for 1 wt % rGO. (D) Schematic illustration of the loading of a water droplet onto the e-skin. (E and F) Time-dependent variation of relative resistances and temperature immediately after the loading of water droplets on e-skins at (E) different temperatures (droplet pressure, 2 Pa) and (F) different pressures (droplet temperature, 40°C). (G) Time-dependent variation of relative resistances after the loading/unloading cycles of objects with various pressure and temperature values on top of an interlocked e-skin. (H and I) Magnified variation of relative resistances at the moment of loading/unloading cycles in (G) showing the detection and discrimination of simultaneous temperature and pressure variations. Jonghwa Park et al. Sci Adv 2015;1:e1500661 Copyright © 2015, The Authors