FairEntry Process © Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved..
1. GO TO: HTTP://ROCKMN.FAIRENTRY.COM 2. Click on “Sign in with 4HOnline”
2. Use your 4HOnline username (email) and password 2. Use your 4HOnline username (email) and password. Be sure your “role” is listed as “Family.”
3. Click “Begin Registration”
4. Click “Individual”
5. Click the radio button before the name of your chosen youth & click “Continue.”
6. Answer required t-shirt size question. Choose ONE size only 6. Answer required t-shirt size question. Choose ONE size only. Then “Continue”
7. Check your details. If all is correct, click “Continue to Entries”
8. “Add an Entry”
9. Select “department you want to enter into”
10. Select “division”
11. Select “class(es)” then click continue at top of screen ***You are able to enter in as many classes as you would like up to 3 entries per area where permitted. This will save on entry time.***
12. If the information is correct, click “Create Entries”
If you have more projects to enter, click “Add an entry.”
If you want to move on and enter projects for another 4-H’er in your family, click “Register another Exhibitor.”
13. If you have finished entering projects for your family, IMPORTANT 13. If you have finished entering projects for your family, IMPORTANT! click “Continue to Payment.”
14. Click “Continue”
15. Click “Continue”
16. “Submit” VERY IMPORTANT!
“Sign out. ” You are finished “Sign out.” You are finished. After the entries are approved by extension staff, you may go back into fair entry and enter or delete entries.
Good Luck. Entries can be made in FairEntry until 11:59 p. m Good Luck! Entries can be made in FairEntry until 11:59 p.m. on June 27. Remember, we are just a phone call away. 507-283-1302