How Our Brain Learns
Neurons Also known as Brain Cells. The place where information is stored. When your neurons connect to each other faster and stronger…. You are LEARNING!
Dendrites The ‘Branches of a Neuron’ where information comes in.
Synapses The space between Neurons where information (neurotransmitters— chemicals) travels from one neuron to another.
How do we keep the information we learn? Creating new paths between neurons… Building new Dendrites (branches) Using the pathway over and over…. Repeat Information to make the pathway strong. Fire it to Wire it!
When Neurons are Firing We are Learning We Need to Make Strong Neuro-Pathways
Best Way to Succeed Intention: Having a Purpose to Achieve Willingness to Learn Believe that your Brain will do it’s job if you give it the tools to learn. A lot of Effort Feel Safe in your Classroom Mistakes are Proof of Learning! Mistakes Are Not Stress!!!!
Questions What is your intention? Why do you want to learn? What are you interested in? Ex. Soccer, Music, Hair Dressing, Children, Cultures Do you believe that you can learn new things? Do you work hard when you want to learn something? What makes you feel safe in a classroom? Ex. Friends, Routine, Visual Materials, Teacher’s Attitude What makes you feel uncomfortable in a classroom?