The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton chapter 7 (All pictures taken from Google Images.)
mimicking—p. 100—imitating; copying mimes
radiates—p. 101—projects; glows The sun’s rays go out in all directions.
bleak—p. 103—without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary sky is black = bleak
drawled—p. 106—said in a slow manner, usually prolonging the vowels Vowels are drawn out.
cocksure—p. 109—confident; certain sure of yourself
recurring—p. 110—occurring again every two weeks occurring = happening once recurring = happening again
aghast—p. 112—filled with sudden fright or horror I was aghast when I saw a ghost.
exploits—p. 113—adventure; stunt; escapade Exploits are exciting.
contemptuously—p. 115—with deep hatred or disapproval You are tempting me to say something mean.