Greeting Mark Kurtz, Senior Business Project Manager, Elevate Elevate, based in Montrose, Colorado Wholly owned subsidiary of Delta-Montrose Electric Assn 2.5 years, approaching 1,000 miles of fiber plant including our Middle Mile, 6200 internet subscribers, 1100 phone subscribers and 500 video subscribers
Electric Easements For Broadband Deployment Middle Mile: COOPS are member owned – tell the coop story 403 easements needed Partnered with Region 10, took 18 months, ~ $500K Easement parties, gift cards, etc. Private Easement Contractor did the heavy lifting Distribution easements 95% in DMEA’s Dist Networks in publicly perfected rights of way 5% in private easements that already had electric easments – Had folks sign a commercial comm easement to supplement Last Mile Easements Write language to give you service drop easement, service drop easement to connecting parcels, and distribution easements – Make as broad as you/attrny feels is enforceable SB107 Colorado, especially the western slope, needs long haul perfections in order to procure redundant paths for bandwidth, etc. Middle Mile, sub transmission easements - the COOP way Distribution Easements – public rights of way are the key Last Mile Easements – Service agreement language is imperative Senate Bill 107 – Helpful, but didn’t address the long haul transmission issue
Tell a story “ If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb