Question 4 /20 A successful evaluation: Identifies what the writer has set out to achieve Analyses the choices the writer has made in trying to achieve that intention Evaluates how effectively the writer has achieved their intention Uses clear, specific quotations and relevant subject terminology throughout
Question 4 Focus this part of your answer on the second part of the source, from line 18 to the end. A student, having read this section of the text, said: “This part of the text shows how different Brenda and Freda are. I can see why they react so differently to the funeral in the opening paragraphs.” To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: Consider your own impressions of Brenda and Freda Evaluate how the writer suggests their different characters Support your opinions with quotations from the text
Sample response At the start of this section of the source, the writer contrasts Brenda’s and Freda’s attitudes to the funeral. While Freda seems to enjoy funerals and the thought of her own, imagining her “grey and distinguished” husband “dabbing a handkerchief to his lips”, Brenda seems all to ready to destroy her romantic idealism, pointing out that “There weren’t any mourners” and the deceased “only had the cat”. The contrast in Freda and Brenda is emphasised in the use of sentence structure and vocabulary: Freda’s dialogue is written in longer, more descriptive sentences. In contrast, Brenda’s is short and blunt, creating a clear picture of their two very different attitudes and the conflict between them. It is, therefore, not surprising that practical, cynical Brenda expects the Outing to be spoiled by rain while romantic Freda hopes to seduce Vittorio.