Teacher ONLY slide Slide info Slides 3 – 13 – A reminder about the project. A review of some examples of project titles to help them focus on what their title could be. Lesson info This lesson is to get the students to come up with a title for their project. Go through again the slides that show some examples of what kind of questions that they can come up with. The students are then tasked to complete the worksheet “Lesson 6_ Choosing your title”. They will need your help and confirmation that the title they choose is fit for this project. Please see Miss Feathers or Mrs Hawke-Jones if you need any guidance. Homework Collect homework – students should have completed the secondary research booklet if they have not finished within the previous lesson.
Year 11 Lesson 6 Choosing your Individual Project Title
Lesson Objectives To decide upon your investigation title!
What is it??? Your individual project is a written assignment which allows you to develop your research, analysis and presentation skills. You will choose a title Plan your research Carry out the research Write up your findings
Structure Introduction Aims and Objectives Research Methods Primary Data Analysis Secondary Data Analysis Conclusion Evaluation Bibliography Appendix
Plan FINISH! Planning of Investigation Introduction Rationale Aims and Objectives Introduction to Secondary Research Secondary Research Write up Introduction to Primary Research Primary Research Conclusion Evaluation Bibliography & Appendices FINISH!
Time to think about your project
Examples of project titles: Has the standard of Welsh football improved during the past few years? Has there been an increase in the number of girls participating in sport? What impact has social media had on family traditions?
Examples of project titles: Is studying A-levels an advantage to your future? Do pop stars help the image of young people or do they create more harm than good? What has been the impact of EURO 2016 on Welsh football?
Examples of project titles: Which country provides the best standard of education in comparison to the UK? Will going to University guarantee us a successful career and a well paid job? What is the best age to learn a foreign language?
Examples of project titles: What is the crime rate in Wales? Has this increased or decreased in the past 5 years? Has our National Health Service improved or deteriorated in the past 5 years? How much support is there for our youngsters with additional educational needs once they leave school?
The Project Focus Activity Open and save the word document “Lesson 6_Choosing your title” located in Stresources – Welsh Bacc – Welsh Bacc Year 11 – Individual Project Complete the document to help you decide the theme of your project as next week you will be starting the investigation.