Constructions Lab
What is a construction? A construction is a method of creating geometric figures without the benefit of measuring tools. We only use a pencil, straightedge, and a compass.
Construction #1: Copying a Line Segment Given a line segment of a certain length, I want to copy that line segment and create a congruent segment without using a ruler. How to copy a segment: Now complete the practice on your Lab
Construction #2: Construct a Perpendicular Bisector A perpendicular bisector is a line that BISECTS a segment at a RIGHT angle. To create a perpendicular bisector: Complete the 2 practice bisectors on your page.
Construction #3: Copying an Angle Similar to copying a segment, sometimes we want to copy an angle to create a new one that is CONGRUENT to the first. How to copy an angle: Copy the two angles in the practice
Construction #4: Bisecting an Angle An angle bisector splits an angle in half into TWO congruent angles that are half the measure of the original angle. How to bisect an Angle: M Bisect the two angles in the practice