Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly awfullibrarybooks.net Weed ‘Em and Weep! Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly awfullibrarybooks.net
…But the public doesn’t “get” it
…But it’s historical
…But someone might need it
…But I don’t have time
…But it was an award winner!
…But it was a gift!
Weeding Personalities The Hoarder The Randomizer The Professor The Snob
Weeding Made Easy Step 1: Duplicates
Weeding Made Easy Step 2: Condition
Weeding Made Easy Step 3: Stupid
Weeding Made Easy Step 4: Reports
Step 5: Shift & Inventory Weeding Made Easy Step 5: Shift & Inventory
Collection Objectives Collection policy states how the collection will fulfill the mission Collection objectives detail the purpose of each collection and criteria for selection. Image attribute: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FctGxoFET_c/TB1pCR21AaI/AAAAAAAAAC0/Vhkry61sk4M/s1600/ArrowTarget (Licenced for reuse)
Collection Benchmarks How is the collection performing? Image attribute: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Ballerina_logo.png (Licensed for reuse)
If the data points to a problem, a collection audit should be performed.
Everything is Connected
Keep or Weed? Big & Little Crochets Columbia-Minerva 1970
Keep or Weed? How to Make Applehead Dolls for Pleasure and Profit Dotson 1962
Keep or Weed? The Computer from A to Z Kalman 1999
Keep or Weed? Nobody Wants a Nuclear War Vigna 1986
Keep or Weed? Fashion Cats Iwasa 2011
Contact Us! Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly submit@awfullibrarybooks.net Twitter: @awfullibbooks awfullibrarybooks.net