SWACH MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Restructured organization’s governance Hired staff and developed organization’s infrastructure Formed workgroups and committees to assess regional needs and shape work to address those needs Achieved Phase 1 and Phase 2 ACH Certification Selected projects for Medicaid Transformation Project Merged with the Healthy Living Collaborative Selected Pathways Pilot Coordinating Care Agencies Submitted Medicaid Transformation Project Portfolio Developed model to distribute earned incentive payments
ADDITIONAL AREAS OF FOCUS Interoperability to support clinical integration EDIE/Premanage Pilot Increasing access to primary care Workforce development
THANK YOU! IT TAKES A COMMUNITY Members of our Board, RHIP Council, Workgroups, and Committees, and our clinical and community partners made these accomplishments possible. THANK YOU!
WHERE WE ARE HEADED January – June 2018 Awaiting final approval on Project Plan Portfolio (late January – early February) Project Implementation Planning HIT/HIE Assessment Current State Assessment Regional Convening (early March)
ASSESSMENTS ACHs are required to complete a “current state assessment” by Q2 2018. Assessment will provide data about the region’s capabilities and capacity, and will inform SWACH’s implementation planning process. Assessment will build on our previous environmental scans and community conversations and will be conducted in stages.
Phase 1 Phase 2 2017 HIT/HIE Clinical Partners Community Partners Jan-Feb 2018 Mar-April 2018 May – June 2018 Objective: Community / Environmental scanning to inform project plan Objective: Identify current HIT/HIE capacity, needs, resources, and barriers Objective: Identify current capacity and current and future resource needs to enable participation in SWACH’s transformation projects Objective: Identify current capacity and current and future resource needs to enable participation in SWACH’s transformation projects Mode: Meetings and Inteviews Mode: Online survey and interviews Mode: Online survey Mode: TBD
SWACH JANUARY – JUNE 2018 TIMELINE Feb Mar Apr May Jun Report to HCA HIT/HIE Assessment in the field Regional Convening Clinical Partner Assessment in the field Workgroup members and subject experts inform clinical and community partner assessment development Community Partner Assessment in the field HIT/HIE Assessment Report to RHIP Council RHIP Council Update Webinar on Assessment for clinical partners Webinar on Assessment for community partners Ongoing Workgroup and Committee Implementation Planning
HIT/HIE ASSESSMENT OUTLINE Part 1 - Inventory current state of EHR interoperability and Health Information Exchange (HIE) in SW Washington and identify gaps. Part 2 – Inventory the current state of information technology of community based organizations and identify interoperability gaps with healthcare providers.
CLINICAL PARTNER ASSESSMENT DOMAIN 1 Module Suggested Items Introduction Contact information, about the site, volume served Domain 1: Workforce Current workforce needs? Regulatory barriers to effective team-based care Strategies and approaches to culturally competent care Shortages of specific provider types Domain 1: Value Based Payment Support and attest state-level VBP survey results Awareness of VBP readiness tools and resources Training / TA needs Domain 1: HIT/HIE Additional content not captured in HIT Assessment (if any) Project specific HIT needs
CLINICAL PARTNER ASSESSMENT DELIVERY SYSTEM REDESIGN Module Suggested Items 2A: Integration Level of integrated care model adoption – which models are used? Where does the organization fall along SAMHSA’s levels of integration? Is the partner a recognized medical home (if applicable)? Has the partner achieved any special certifications (e.g., Joint Commission’s Behavioral Health Home Certification)? 2B: Care Coordination Capacity for regional community-based care coordination Use of care management technology platform(s) Staffing ratios Patients with care plans
CLINICAL PARTNER ASSESSMENT PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTION Module Suggested Items 3A: Opioids Capacity to effectively impact the opioid crisis Strategies to leverage current capacity and address gaps Buprenorphine and MAT providers Adoption and implementation of prescribing guidelines ED protocols for overdose education and take home naloxone 3D: Chronic Disease Capacity to effectively impact chronic disease Implementation of the Chronic Care Model Self-management and chronic disease management supports Existence of registries/swim lanes/protocols for chronic disease
REGIONAL MTP CONVENING Early March ALL regional partners Health care providers and organizations Community organizations Schools Counties (Clark, Skamania, Klickitat) Community Members
RHIP COUNCIL ACTION ITEMS Share information with others in your organization Share information with others in your sector Volunteer for Convening Planning Committee Complete Resource Map
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Hiring Community Engagement Coordinator Continuing to attend meetings and provide updates to partners and community groups Planning first quarterly community listening sessions for March Ensuring diverse input Equity trainings coming soon
HEALTHY LIVING COLLABORATIVE POLICY AGENDA 2018 Legislative Session Source of Income Protection – Ban discrimination on renter’s source of income Secure and Increase Funding for Program to Prevent Homelessness – Increase document recording fee, ensure it never expires Create Affordable Housing – invest at least $106 million in Housing Trust Fund Access to Care for Kids – Reinstate Medicaid pediatric payments to be equal to Medicare Breakfast After Bill – Require schools with at least 70% poverty rate to offer breakfast after the bell
POLICY WATCH LIST AND PARTNERSHIPS Community Health Worker Bill Opioid Prevention Legislation Protecting the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion Apple Health Coverage for People from Pacific Islander Nations Support partners’ policy agendas: Prevention Alliance, Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
SWACH INTERSECTION Monthly updates from Policy Committee to RHIP Council Opportunities for Partnership Join us in advocacy Letter writing and testimony Participate in Legislative meetings January 24 February 28
OTHER POLICY AREAS Full council discussion on other policy areas we should be adding to these lists.
QUESTIONS? Contact: Marguerite McCormack marguerite.mccormack@southwestach.org Kachina Inman kachina.inman@southwestach.org