Warm Up – Sequencing Practice Arrange the cards in sequential order. Have teacher check. Match the date to the description of its significance. Have teacher check
Preview – Quick Write 2 minutes without stopping If you were traveling to a far-off, wild place, what kinds of people would you bring with you? What kinds of tasks would you want someone to know how to do? What skills do you think would be important? Pair/Share with your partner. Pick J or P
We will analyze life at Jamestown using an inner/outer circle discussion. Students with letter “J” take inner circle for lead in discussion; Students with letter “P” take outer circle to track discussion.
Discussion Questions What might you see here? Why might people have traveled thousands of miles to settle at Jamestown? Why did the settlers establish their fort where they did? What challenges might these settlers have faced? What do you think the settlers had to do to survive in this settlement? How might Native Americans who lived in the area have felt about this settlement? What could the settlers have learned from the Native Americans? What kind of jobs would best help the settlement succeed? Which jobs were not as important? Why? What might go wrong?
Jamestown Fort
Relationships with Powhatan
Occupations of Jamestown Settlers http://apva.org/rediscovery/page.php?page_id=30
Timeline of Jamestown Settlement http://apva.org/rediscovery/page.php?page_id=29
Closure/Debrief 2 Minute Quick Write without Stopping WAS JAMESTOWN SUCCESSFUL? WHY OR WHY NOT?