Pre-learning Vocabulary and Mind Maps To find resources that could be used to help To make explicit the links between receptive/expressive language, engagement in lessons and writing skills To explore ways in which mind maps and word maps can aid learning
How do we get from understanding to output? Step 1 - Understanding and organising others’ words (receptive Language) Step 2 – Engagement and practising language skills (Expressive language) Step 3 – Organising own thoughts (Mapping concepts) Step 4 - Planning and organising for writing
Receptive Language (How do we help children understand what it is being taught?) These are the children that don’t engage or have the confidence to answer questions. They can’t repeat or summarise any main points. They go back to their seat and can’t think of anything to write or just don’t write. Do they understand or are they familiar with the language being used? Teaching specific vocabulary (Pre-learning vocab) Linking words to categories (concept mapping with words) Teaching the meaning and context of words (Word maps)
How do we aid receptive vocabulary? ‘Having heard a new word and stored what it sounds like, we need to find out what it means. We pick up meaning from hearing a word many times in context.’ ‘Words mean more with visual representations. This helps the brain store the word and it’s meaning and context.’
Ideas for pre-learning vocabulary and linking vocabulary Barrier games Vocab booklet with pictures Chatty boxes Word and picture games Word concept maps Word maps Talking about pictures and using buzz words Identifying ‘buzz words’ in an input Word association game (Timmy Mallet)
A space ship can fly to the moon. Word Meaning Picture Space ship Transport for flying into space A space ship can fly to the moon.
Barrier Games Give instructions while sitting back to back… Put a cross on the quadrilateral Put the equilateral triangle on top of the scalene triangle Put the cube on next to the trapezium
Linking words within a context Concept Maps Linking words within a context Once children understand the meanings of these words, they then need to link them with other words within a topic or context They can then start to form simple sentences from this visual source (expressive language) This can then lead to writing sentences
Where might we use these strategies? Exploring vocab; In stories For topics Social skills contexts (emotions) Maths concepts (mathematical vocab for problem solving) Spotting same and different Following and giving instructions
Pupils can use the words they have learned in class discussion Engagement in Class Pupils can use the words they have learned in class discussion They are armed with knowledge so can concentrate on new concepts and links They have rehearsed sentences they can use They are able to organise their thoughts This aids their expressive language and formulating of ideas
From speaking to writing (Organising own thoughts and ideas and making links) Mind maps help to organise thoughts and ideas They help make links within a topic They aid with writing – put the word in a sentence, help formulate paragraphs, help link ideas Some children need to talk about the mind map to help them to clarify ideas further or rehearse the order of ideas Writing frames further help pupils to write their ideas and are less daunting than blank paper
Mind Maps for different purposes We organise information in different ways (chronological order, under headings, in a sequence, as a cycle, comparable information) Step 3 – teach pupils the skill of making mind maps (on own or with a template) Step 2 – include pupils in mind mapping process (provide this experience) Step 1 – provide pupils with mind maps (simple to more complex)
Who will benefit and how? ASD EAL Specific learning difficulty Speech and language Dyslexia Hearing Impairment
How does it help? Aids; Concentration Speech language Working memory Organisation Motivation for writing and learning Behaviour Engagement in class Independent learning