Do Now Pick up a lab Staple the two sheets of paper together Complete the PRE LAB SECTION OF THE LAB
Big Skill: Communication Agenda Big Skill: Communication Your Goal: Communicate within your groups to solve a problem. Do Now Lab Overview/Demo Lab Prep Lab Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday PROKARYOTES VS. EURKARYOTES CELL LAB Cell Membrane/Inquiry activity Semi-Permeable LAB QUIZ DAY NO NOTES
Structure – Animal Cell
Structure – Plant Cell
Demo You are actively listening and paying attention. Follow along with your procedures.
Prepare for your lab Complete your hypothesis (remember, if… then… because…) List the materials you will use Safety precautions (the safety rules you will follow) EVERYONE MUST HAVE A LAB. YOU HAVE 6 MINUTES
Lab Roles Lab Leader Time Keeper Observation Taker Microscope Operator EACH PERSON MUST HAVE THEIR OWN LAB WITH OBERVATIONS.