CARE Mick Feather Care Business Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

CARE Mick Feather Care Business Manager

London Care & Support Forum Croydon Conference Centre 13th February 2019

What are Policies and Procedures? Policies and procedures provide clear rules and guidelines, but also define how your organisation operates. They form part of good governance. Procedures outline how policies should be carried out. Policies and Procedures should grow and change with the company.

H&S HR Policies Consent Infection Control Medication Whistleblowing Information Security Professional Boundaries H&S Recruitment Infection Control Care and Support Planning HR Policies Safeguarding Privacy and Dignity Medication Mental Capacity Act Bullying and Harassment Whistleblowing Equality and Diversity Consent Restraint CCTV Complaints DoLS

Policies and Procedures and links to CQC evidence. Awareness of safeguarding policies, guidance, procedures, standards and responsibilities and how to appropriately apply in practice. Policies and procedures on Mental Capacity Act / Code of Practice / DoLS / use of restraint / best interest decision making. Policies and Procedures on independence, privacy, dignity, confidentiality and data management. Mention word policy and a subject…… Complaints policy and procedures. Source: The Adult Social Care Key Lines of Enquiry and Prompts: Sources of evidence

Policies and Procedures and links to CQC evidence. Awareness of policies, guidance, procedures, standards and responsibilities in relation to medicines, and whether / how they are applied in practice. Awareness of relevant policies, guidance, procedures, standards and responsibilities and how to appropriately apply in practice. SAFETY 5 Infection Control Awareness of relevant policies, guidance, procedures, standards and responsibilities and how to appropriately apply in practice. SAFETY 6 Lessons Learned + H&S Mention word policy and a subject…… Source: The Adult Social Care Key Lines of Enquiry and Prompts: Sources of evidence

Task 1 Work as a table Flip chart responses What are your Top 3 problems with policies and procedures? For example Employee sign off Training and policies Understanding content Accessibility Review and updating

Task 2 Work as a table Flip chart responses Solutions and best practice How do you overcome problems regarding policies and procedures? For example How do you ensure Employee sign off? How do you ensure staff understand policy content? How do you make the policies accessible? How do you ensure that staff are practically implementing the policies? How often are the policies updated and reviewed? Task 2 Work as a table Flip chart responses

BESPOKE APPLICATION REVIEW Summary findings….. “appropriately applied in practice.” “improved as a result of learning and feedback.” BESPOKE APPLICATION REVIEW


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