School Council Presentation Understanding the Interim Health & Physical Education Ontario Curriculum 2018
The Ministry of Education has directed that the Health & Physical Education Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1 to 8 provided in 2015, be replaced with the interim curriculum which is a re-issue and revision of the 2010 version. The Health & Physical Education Ontario Curriculum Grade 9 to 12 has not been replaced Teachers are required to teach and report on curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education.
Key Messages: HWDSB is committed to the health and well-being of all our students. All students deserve to have the knowledge to keep themselves safe and to act with care and consideration for themselves, their peers and all people in their communities. Our staff is committed to teaching the re-issued 2018 curriculum including topics such as online safety, sexual orientation, mental health, gender identification and consent, with our continued comprehensive safety and well-being approach, in a professional and respectful manner that is both developmentally and age-appropriate. It is important that students feel connected to the curriculum, that they see themselves in what is taught, how it is taught, and how it applies to the world at large. Parents are the primary educators of their children with respect to learning about values, appropriate behaviour and ethno cultural, spiritual and personal beliefs and traditions. Parents act as significant role models for their children. It is therefore important for schools and parents to work together to ensure that home and school provide a mutually supportive framework for young people’s education.
Key Messages Teachers are required to teach and report on curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education; Teaching and learning in all subject areas needs to inclusive, accepting, and free from discrimination; Please feel free to review the curriculum at:; Communication regarding when and what Growth and Development learning is occurring in the classroom will be shared with parents, as per past practice; HWDSB’s Addressing Concerns Process remains in place with the classroom teacher as the first point of contact for a classroom concern. It is available here: HWDSB remains committed to Ministry and board plans and policies on equity and inclusion, as we strive to help all students and staff feel safe, supported and accepted.
Human Development and Sexual Health Grade 1 Interim 2018 2015 Human Development and Sexual Health Grade 1 Interim 2018 Growth and Development Grade 1 (1998) C1.3 identify body parts, including genitalia (e.g., penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct terminology C1.4 identify the five senses and describe how each functions (e.g., sight: the eyes give the brain information about the world to help us see colours, shapes, and movement; touch: receptors in the skin tell us how things feel – if they are hot, cold, wet, dry, hard, soft; hearing: the ears pick up vibrations and send messages to the brain to help us hear sounds that are loud or soft, high- or low-pitched; smell and taste: the tongue is covered with thousands of taste buds and the nose has tiny hairs and nerves that’s send messages to the brain about how things taste and smell) C2.5 demonstrate an understanding of and apply proper hygienic procedures for protecting their own health and preventing the transmission of disease to others (e.g., washing hands with soap, using a tissue, sleeve sneezing, brushing and flossing teeth, not sharing hats or hairbrushes) OVERALL EXPECTATION By the end of Grade 1, students will: identify the stages in development of humans (e.g., comparing physical changes from birth to childhood) and of other living things. SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS describe simple life cycles of plants and animals, including humans; recognize that rest, food, and exercise affect growth; identify the major parts of the body by their proper names This slide shows a comparison of curriculum expectations from the 2015 curriculum to the interim 2018 curriculum for grade one Biggest changes are: 2015 revised curriculum had very clear specific expectations with teacher prompts 2018 interim curriculum (1998) is not using teacher prompts E.g. C1.3 - Teacher prompts from 2018 Teacher prompt: “We talk about all body parts with respect. Why is it important to know about your own body, and use correct names for the parts of your body?” Student: “All parts of my body are a part of me, and I need to know how to take care of and talk about my own body. If I’m hurt or need help, and I know the right words, other people will know what I’m talking about.” Going back to our key messages as a board we will ensure that equity, inclusion and mental health are addressed E.g. - the interim curriculum says he/she where as we will encourage staff to use inclusive language - they
The Curriculum documents and additional resources are available on the Ministry of Education website at: Grades 1-8 .pdf Grades 9-12
Health and Physical Education HWDSB Parent Guide: Health and Physical Education (Interim Edition) The parent guide is located on the HWDSB public website under the elementary and secondary tabs for healthy schools.
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