Pupil Premium Collaborative Reviews Cohort 1: Friday 13th October 2017
Welcome and Agenda The Groups What is a Pupil Premium Collaborative Review? What does good practice look like and what impact should it have? What does a good Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation look like? Preparing for a PP Collaborative Review The “Dos and Don’ts” Planning Time for groups
What does a good Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation look like? Extract from “What maintained schools have to publish online” (www.gov.uk) You must publish a strategy for the school’s use of the pupil premium. You no longer have to publish a ‘pupil premium statement’. For the current academic year, you must include: your school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school how you’ll spend the pupil premium to overcome those barriers and the reasons for that approach how you’ll measure the effect of the pupil premium the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy For the previous academic year, you must include: how you spent the pupil premium allocation the effect of the expenditure on eligible and other pupils Pupil premium funding is allocated for each financial year, but the information you publish online should refer to the academic year, as this is how parents understand the school system. As you won’t know allocations for the end of the academic year (April to July), you should report on the funding up to the end of the financial year and update it when you have all the figures. The Teaching Schools Council has published templates to support schools in presenting their pupil premium strategies. Use of the templates is voluntary.
What does a good Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation look like? Extract from “What academies should publish online” (www.gov.uk) If your school receives pupil premium funding, your funding agreement will state what information you need to publish about it. Regardless of what your funding agreement requires you to publish, we recommend that you publish details of your pupil premium strategy. For the current academic year, we recommend you publish: how much pupil premium funding you received for this academic year details of the main barriers to educational achievement that the disadvantaged children in your school face how you will spend your pupil premium funding to overcome these barriers and the reasons for the approach you’ve chosen how you will measure the effect of the pupil premium the date of the next pupil premium strategy review For the previous academic year, we recommend you publish: how you spent your pupil premium funding the effect that the pupil premium had on pupils The Teaching Schools Council has produced guidance for schools on developing and presenting their pupil premium strategy, including a pupil premium strategy template.
What does a good Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation look like? Extract from “What maintained schools have to publish online” (www.gov.uk) You must publish a strategy for the school’s use of the pupil premium. You no longer have to publish a ‘pupil premium statement’. For the current academic year, you must include: your school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school how you’ll spend the pupil premium to overcome those barriers and the reasons for that approach how you’ll measure the effect of the pupil premium the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy For the previous academic year, you must include: how you spent the pupil premium allocation the effect of the expenditure on eligible and other pupils Pupil premium funding is allocated for each financial year, but the information you publish online should refer to the academic year, as this is how parents understand the school system. As you won’t know allocations for the end of the academic year (April to July), you should report on the funding up to the end of the financial year and update it when you have all the figures. The Teaching Schools Council has published templates to support schools in presenting their pupil premium strategies. Use of the templates is voluntary.
What does a good Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation look like? i.e. Initially allocation from Sept – April; then April to Aug when available You must publish a strategy for the school’s use of the pupil premium. You no longer have to publish a ‘pupil premium statement’. For the current academic year, you must include: your school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school how you’ll spend the pupil premium to overcome those barriers and the reasons for that approach how you’ll measure the effect of the pupil premium the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy Clear measureable targets, if possible Use data, where available Think research here!
The Dos and Don’ts of completing an effective review – THE HOST BE PREPARED! Talk to staff and governors Review the PP Strategy – what’s the visible impact of it? Review your SEF and SIP with respect to PP Know the PP Pupils and how they are being provided for Focus on data – how are PP children doing compared to ‘other’ Have it ready to share.
The Dos and Don’ts of completing an effective review – THE HOST On the Day Have some space set aside for discussion (supply of biscuits and lunch always goes down well) Focussed timetable is essential Most of the time in classrooms Work scrutiny during classroom visits Gather pupil views during playtimes? All staff/governors have a copy Try to keep to the timetable and focus conversation on lines of enquiry and PP – it’s easy to get side-tracked
The Dos and Don’ts of completing an effective review – THE HOST Be open and honest – engage with the process No school is perfect – be prepared to show your weaknesses BUT also the strengths of your practice Enjoy the day! DON’T… Worry about it! Everyone else is in the same position. Just putting yourself forward for this type of CPD demonstrates your strength as a leader.
The Dos and Don’ts of completing an effective review – THE REVIEWER Be prepared! Get to know the school through the paperwork. The better your prep, the more you and your colleagues will get out of the day. Focus, focus, focus! It’s very easy to get distracted and run out of time or go off timetable. As lead reviewer, it’s your responsibility to keep things moving along. Stick to the lines of enquiry and evidence them! Don’t waste time waffling! Go for the ‘killer question’ straight away!
The Dos and Don’ts of completing an effective review – THE REVIEWER Be careful about writing your evidence forms. Remember that they will be left with the school. If colleagues are talking to fast, politely ask them to pause so you can record what you need to. When you’ve got enough evidence – stop and move on. Remember – your colleagues will be reviewing you as well, so ‘do unto others…’ Enjoy it!