Self Editing This is where you look at your 1st draft and revise for clarity, content, usage, and format
Step #1 Read aloud for clarity Make notations or insert revisions for words left out, unclear sentences, or misdirected word choices.
Step #2 Review Common Essay Chart for Content Re-read essay checking Essay Chart
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Thesis missing, ambiguous, or too general. Perhaps missing the either the subject, opinion, or three points. Thesis not the last sentence at the introductory paragraph. If you find any error for your C1, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Lack of an engaging hook for introduction and/or relating your hook to your topic in your introduction If you find any error for your C2, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Lack of background information for your topic and thesis in the introductory paragraph If you find any error for your C3, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Topic sentences in each paragraph lack addressing each specific thesis point. If you find any error for your C4, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Not using the ABC Formula (A—(assertion) how each specific thesis point relates to the subject and opinion of the thesis—THESE ARE THE TOPIC SENTENCES, B—(because)personal example, or research demonstrating the assertion—THESE ARE CONCRETE DETAILS, and finally C—COMMENTARY--which are statement/statements explaining how your example relates to proving you assertion and how this relates to your thesis. If you find any error for your C5, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Not using the ABC Formula twice in each body paragraph. Ratio of 1CD:2CM(1 Concrete Detail to minimum 2 Commentary) If you find any error for your C6, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART No transition between ideas. Transitional devices are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. And finally, transitional devices link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. See for transitional words. If you find any error for your C7, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Unclear as to whether the idea stated is yours or from another source. If it is yours, say, in my opinion; if it is from another source, cite it unless it follows a quote. If you find any error for your C8, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Explanation incorrect or confusing as it relates to the Concrete Detail or Commentary If you find any error for your C9, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART No proof indicated; mostly unrelated sentences If you find any error for your C10, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Concluding paragraph’s first sentence does not recap the thesis without stating the thesis verbatim. If you find any error for your C11, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Concluding paragraph does not bring a sense of closure to the essay If you find any error for your C12, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART The last sentence/sentences of the concluding paragraph does not provide a final thought, assertion, or call to action for the essay based on the thesis. If you find any error for your C13, correct in YELLOW
CONTENT ESSAY ERROR CHART Lack of title or title is mundane not reflecting the main idea of the essay If you find any error for your C14, correct in YELLOW
NEXT: Editing for Usage z