STRESS December 2018
What is stress? Stress is how we internally react to situations, physically and emotionally. *Not all stress is bad. You have good stress (Eustress) and bad stress (Distress) and both have different effects on the body.
Got stress? Take an index card and jot down two things that have given you stress recently. How did you handle the stress? What symptoms did you have? Hold onto for later in activity.
Sources of stress
Index Card Share Count off by 5’s Form 5 separate groups Discuss in group common sources of stress for teens. Students/coaches share if they are comfortable doing so, see if there are common stressors.
Recognize the Symptoms Headache, neck aches and backaches. Nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomach ache, vomiting. Shaky hands, sweaty palms, feeling shaky, lightheadedness. Bedwetting. Trouble sleeping, nightmares. Change in appetite. Stuttering. Frequent colds, fatigue. Anxiety Depression Anger/agitation Feeling overwhelmed
Managing Stress Exercise. Working out regularly is one of the best ways to relax your body and mind. ... Relax Your Muscles. When stressed muscles get tense... Deep Breathing. ... Eat Well. ... Slow Down. ... Take a Break. ... Make Time for Hobbies. ... Talk About Your Problems. Talk to someone...
seek help... Too much or prolonged stress can be damaging to both our physical and mental health. The issue with stress is that it exists as a problem that feeds on itself, and over time lowers your ability to cope. Because of this - the sooner you seek help for stress, the better. As stress is often viewed as simply a 'part of life', it can be difficult to know when outside support is needed. As a rule, you should look to seek help if the following is happening: Stress (and the effects of stress) dominate your life. Stress is affecting your physical health. You are using unhealthy coping methods to deal with stress. You are experiencing angry outbursts that are affecting those around you. Any adult here at school is a resource that you can go to for help. Please reach out!