Probability Question About an “individual” About a “statistic” Use population distribution Use s Must be told if the distribution is normal About a “statistic” Use sampling distribution Use SE CLT tells if normal If the relevant distribution is NOT normal then the probability can NOT be computed. Sampling Distributions
A company is investigating the number of sick days used by each of its employees. Assume that the population is right-skewed with a mean of 7 and a standard deviation of 2 days. What symbol would you put on the 7? What symbol would you put on the 2? m s Sampling Distributions Sampling Distributions Slide #2
A company … population is right-skewed … m=7, s=2 days. For each question determine … Which distribution would be used to answer the question The specifics of that distribution If the question can be answered What is the probability of observing a mean of 6.4 days or less in a random sample of 25 workers? Sampling distribution (about a mean) CLT says … may not be normal, mean=7, SE=2/sqrt(25) Should not (sampling distribution not known to be normal) Sampling Distributions Sampling Distributions Slide #3
A company … population is right-skewed … m=7, s=2 days. For each question determine … Which distribution would be used to answer the question The specifics of that distribution If the question can be answered What is the probability of observing a mean of 6.4 days or less in a random sample of 36 workers? Sampling distribution (about a mean) CLT says …`x~N(7,2/sqrt(36)) Can ... distrib(6.4,mean=7,sd=2/sqrt(36)) Sampling Distributions Sampling Distributions Slide #4
A company … population is right-skewed … m=7, s=2 days. For each question determine … Which distribution would be used to answer the question The specifics of that distribution If the question can be answered What is the probability of observing a worker using fewer than 5 sick days? Population distribution (about an individual) Background says … right-skewed, mean=7, SD=2 NO (population distribution not normal) Sampling Distributions Sampling Distributions Slide #5