Integrins regulate PFC maturation by regulating dap expression. Integrins regulate PFC maturation by regulating dap expression. Egg chambers were stained with anti-GFP (A–H; green), anti-FasIII (E; red), anti-Cut (F; red), anti-BrdU (G; red), anti-PH3 (H; red), TO-PRO-3 (A–F,H; blue) and anti-β-galactosidase (A–D; red) to monitor the expression of the dap-lacZ (A,B) and stg-lacZ (C,D) reporters. (A,C) In wild-type (wt) egg chambers, dap (A) and stg (C) are downregulated at S6. Upper-left panels show the expression of these markers in S4 egg chambers from the same ovarioles. (B,D) In mys PFCs located in ectopic layers (GFP−, arrow), dap expression is maintained after S6 (B) whereas stg is properly downregulated (D). mys PFCs in contact with the germline show normal dap and stg expression (GFP−, arrowheads in B and D). (E–G) Reducing dap levels in mosaic egg chambers carrying mys PFCs restores normal expression of FasIII (E,I) and Cut (F,I), BrdU incorporation pattern (G,I) and nuclear size (J). (H) Ectopic expression of stg in mys PFCs located in ectopic layers (GFP−, arrow) is sufficient to maintain these mutant cells within the cell cycle. (A′–H′) Magnifications of the white boxes in A–H, respectively. Data in I and J show the mean±s.d. M. Jesús Gómez-Lamarca et al. J Cell Sci 2014;127:4667-4678 © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd