Jaemin Park College of Business Graduate School of Technology Management Konkuk University
Problems and weaknesses The strategy of promotion and core programs The background of intersectoral cooperation promotion in Korea Main tasks and programs
1) Activating voluntary cooperation among industry- university-public 2) Introducing incentives to attract private enterprises 3) Enlarge financial support on cooperative research through public institutes 4) Introducing diverse commercialization models 5) Vitalization of start-ups from universities and public institutes 6) Strengthening comprehensive support throughout R&D-technology licensing-commercialization stages 7) Strengthening competency of TLO(Technology Licensing Organization) 8) Support personal exchange between enterprises and public sectors 9) Dispatching researchers from public institutes to SMEs and activating flow of embodied knowledge 10) Foster research hubs and attract enterprises participation
Innovative SME Support Programs (Ministry of Knowledge Economy, 12 Million USD in 2012) Candidates with doctoral or master degree are employed by public research institutes and dispatched to SMEs for three years for technology transfer and consultation