Assessment in Learning How we track your child’s progress in learning.
I can identify, continue and create 2D shape patterns. I can understand the term “right angle” and identify these angles in the environment. I can recognise odd and even numbers. How will our children know they have been successful in their learning? Success Criteria are shared with children at the start of lessons
Verbal feedback Written feedback ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ Stickers/stampers Peer assessment Self assessment How will our children know they have been successful in their learning? Feedback is given at the end of lessons, focussed on the Success Criteria
How do we assess your children’s learning? Make Say Write Do
How do we assess your children’s learning? Formative Assessment Summative Assessment
How do we assess your children’s learning? Formative Assessment ‘No Hands Up Cup’ Traffic Lights Thumbs Exit Questions Self assessment comments
How do we assess your children’s learning? Formative Assessment Think, Pair, Share Teach a Friend Hot Seating Plenary discussions
How do we assess your children’s learning? Other methods of assessment, during or after learning: Learning Dialogues Observations Practical work Presentations
How do we assess your children’s learning? Summative assessment Jotter/written work after teaching End of topic Check-ups Baseline Assessment (P1) Standardised Tests (P3, P5 and P7)
By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. Organising & Using Information LIT 2-26a LTRW Using what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select and sort information from a variety of sources and use this for different purposes. Finding & Using Information LIT 2-14a LTRW
P5: LI – To find and select information and organise this in an appropriate way to suit my audience. SC – I can find and select relevant information from a non-fiction text with partner support. I can organise information under given headings. I can use suitable vocabulary from a word bank which suits my audience. P6 L.I. - To find and select information, then organise in appropriate way to suit my audience. S.C. I can find and select relevant information from non-fiction text. I can organise information under selected headings. I can use suitable vocabulary to suit my audience P7 I can find and select relevant information from non-fiction texts from a range of sources I can organise information under relevant headings of my own choice I can provide sufficient detail in my report using suitable vocabulary to suit my audience