Towson University Store 1 9/20/11 Towson University Store Course Material Web Adoption Training Look below each slide to find a helpful notes section! Welcome! Down here will be notes to go along with each slide to help you understand EXACTLY what you are seeing.
2 New Guidelines Implemented to Make Course Materials More Affordable for Students Federal and state laws require institutions of higher learning to find ways and means to address the escalating cost of textbooks and instructional material. To submit adoptions you should read, understand, and acknowledge: Towson University’s Instructional Materials Affordability Guidelines Click here for the College Textbook Competition and Affordability Act of 2009 (Maryland Senate Bill 183) This is informational. You will be required to accept an acknowledgement of these new laws near the end of your online adoption process. *Note: you must right click over the yellow links and select Open Hyperlink. 9/20/11
Submitting Adoptions Using ‘InSite’ 3 Submitting Adoptions Using ‘InSite’ What is InSite? It’s Towson University Store’s web portal through which faculty search for course materials and submit adoptions. This is so cool! 9/20/11
Submitting adoptions online provides… 4 Submitting adoptions online provides… Access to textbook research tools with images Access to adoption history Assurance that Towson University is in compliance with Federal and State laws regarding instructional materials affordability Improved data accuracy Automatic email confirmation Benefits of working this way. It may seem challenging, but it will really streamline the process and ensure faster service for the students as well. 9/20/11
Getting Started Register an account with the store website. 5 Getting Started Register an account with the store website. Go to Note: If you have already created a user profile for browsing and shopping you must contact the University Store to have your settings changed. Register an account on the university store website. This is a DIFFERENT PASSWORD than your faculty login. If you have trouble, please contact the University Store at (410)704-4391. 9/20/11
In the Faculty drop down menu select option ADOPTIONS 6 9/20/11 In the Faculty drop down menu select option ADOPTIONS Find the ADOPTIONS menu at the top of the home page.
7 Your first time adopting books, you must set up your profile for each department you teach. THIS IS THE 4 LETTER ABBREVIATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT!!!! Add Departments 9/20/11
Entering Department Username and Password. 8 Contact the administrative assistant in your department or the University Store for your department username and password. Entering Department Username and Password. 9/20/11
Departments Associated with your Profile 9 This screen shows you what departments are associated with your profile. Check a box and click the Update Department list to delete a department from your profile, or select Edit Complete if you are finished adding departments to your profile. Departments Associated with your Profile 9/20/11
Select the Step-by-step Adoption Method: Guided Adoptions 1010 Select the Step-by-step Adoption Method: Guided Adoptions Select Guided Adoption to begin the Adoption Process. You should have your department, course number, section number, and ISBN number(s) of the book(s) you wish to adopt. 9/20/11
11111111 Select term (be careful!) Select the department you are teaching under (or Add New Department), select your course select section type in the name of the instructor for the course, and select whether the class is on campus, off campus, or on line. If you do not see your course and/or section, please contact the University Store. 1111 Select Term, Department, Course Number, Section Number, and enter instructor’s name 9/20/11
Select a search method for your textbook 1212 Select a search method for your textbook Determine which way you wish to search for your books. There are four options which will be examined further in the coming slides. 9/20/11
Method 1: Find textbooks by Keyword, Author, Title, or ISBN 1313 Method 1: Find textbooks by Keyword, Author, Title, or ISBN You can SEARCH for books either by Keyword, Title, Author, or ISBN. 9/20/11
1414 Method 2: Browse You can BROWSE by topic. *Note on the right hand side, partially cut off, you can see exactly what term, course, and section number you are adopting for. 9/20/11
Method 2: Browse Continued 1515 9/20/11 Method 2: Browse Continued Further refinement of browsing textbooks.
Method 2: Browse Continued 1616 9/20/11 Method 2: Browse Continued How a book list will look where you can scroll through to find a textbook matching your needs.
Method 3: Search History 1717 Method 3: Search History Search History will be a very convenient tool, however since this is the first time this process is being used, the history is currently empty. 9/20/11
Method 4: Unlisted Books 1818 Method 4: Unlisted Books If you have an unlisted book, please ONLY USE THIS FORM IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE NEEDED TITLES THROUGH THE TEXTBOOK SEARCH AND BROWSE FEATURES. Enter the author and title. The ISBN would be ideal as well, and please know who publishes the book. 9/20/11
List of Adopted Books so Far 1919 List of Adopted Books so Far A list of the books you have selected to adopt for your course so far. 9/20/11
Adopting a Book: Screen 2020 Adopting a Book: Screen This screen shows you the details of a book with picture, ISBN, and summary before you choose to adopt the book. On the right hand side you can see the partially cut off box that informs you of what course you are adopting for. 9/20/11
Decision to Adopt More Books 2121 Decision to Adopt More Books After adopting a book, you can decide whether or not there are more books you wish to adopt for this course. 9/20/11
2222 Step 3: Selecting Usage (Required, Recommended, or Either/Or Select Title) Decide whether the book is required, recommended, or whether this is an “either/or” title that allows the students to pick what version of the books they want to buy. 9/20/11
2323 Step 4: Review & Submit This screen enables you to look at all of your book choices and the status of each book (Required, Recommended, or Either/Or) and decide if you are prepared to submit your adoption or if you wish to find more books. ONCE YOU SUBMIT YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT! 9/20/11
2424 Acknowledging/Agreeing Adoptions in Accordance with State & Federal Laws This is the Faculty Acknowledgments of the state and federal laws. At the bottom of the screen (if you scroll down on the actual website) is a check box that is a binding agreement of confirmation. You MUST click this acknowledgement for EVERY adoption. 9/20/11
2525 Post Adoption Options You can either print a record of your adoption, create a new adoption for a new course, copy the adoption to a new course or section, or go to your faculty adoption home page. 9/20/11
2626 Copy Adoption Screen Here you can copy and change your book order, or simply copy your book order, by changing the course and section you wish to each. Make sure you select a term! 9/20/11
Submitted Adoptions Screen 2727 Submitted Adoptions Screen The adoptions status can either be Submitted, Received, Approved, and Posted by the store. Submitted means that it has not yet been received by the University Store side. Received means the adoption was received but still needs to be reviewed by the University Store. Approved means the University Store has reviewed and approved your book order but it has NOT been officially adopted. Posted by Store means the University Store has officially adopted your book. 9/20/11
Questions? If you have any concerns about the content of this Power Point, please first see the notes field below each slide, and then contact the course materials office of the University Store at (410)704-4391. Thank you for all your work and flexibility in learning this new method of adopting books!!! 9/20/11