Left ventricular functional improvement after transmyocardial laser revascularization  Keith A Horvath, MD, Rodney Greene, BS, Noam Belkind, Bonnie Kane,


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Presentation transcript:

Left ventricular functional improvement after transmyocardial laser revascularization  Keith A Horvath, MD, Rodney Greene, BS, Noam Belkind, Bonnie Kane, BS, David D McPherson, MD, David A Fullerton, MD  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  Volume 66, Issue 3, Pages 721-725 (September 1998) DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4975(98)00735-8

Fig 1 The experimental protocol. The animals underwent three operations as illustrated by this timeline. (TMR = transmyocardial laser revascularization.) The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1998 66, 721-725DOI: (10.1016/S0003-4975(98)00735-8)

Fig 2 Representative echocardiographic images and analysis of segmental contractility. These short axis myocardial contour tracings demonstrate the amount of contractility at rest. The inner line represents myocardial wall position at end-systole. The outer line represents end-diastole. Segmental wall motion in the ischemic zone is diminished before transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) (A) and improves after TMR (B). The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1998 66, 721-725DOI: (10.1016/S0003-4975(98)00735-8)

Fig 3 Echocardiographic measurements of segmental contraction. Wall thickening (in centimeters) for all segments in the transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR)-treated ischemic zone (dash/dot line) compared with the nonischemic zone in the same animals (dashed line). The wall thickening in the ischemic zone of the control animals (solid line) shows the same decrease in resting function after Ameroid placement without recovery over time. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1998 66, 721-725DOI: (10.1016/S0003-4975(98)00735-8)