Thursday, March 14, 2013
Who we are
Susan Mospens Director Joyce Couch Associate Director Anita Adkins SSS Willa Green Associate Director Jeff Girton SSS Cindy Ash SSS Lisa Shewmon EA Gail Messmer LEAP Kathleen Barker EA Goldie Easton SAC
Where we are UC 120 Garden Level of the new Student Success Center
What we do
SAC is an invaluable service. Their people provide an individualized, wrap-around approach to struggling students, connecting them with needed resources and helping them confront the obstacles that interfere with their success. Perilou Goddard, PhD Psychology
What we do One-on-one service to help students Utilize Academic resources Acquire Financial information & tools Develop Personal skills & competencies
What we do Programs to meet the immediate needs of students Book Lending Library Grant Awards LEAP employment Holiday Help Programs to meet the long term needs of students Financial Fitness Initiative Website, Presentations, budget materials, Financial Wellness Checks, Ask a Question Workshops Employability, Graduate School, Dependable Strengths, Financial Literacy Leadership Development SSS Ambassadors, Housing Peer Mentors, Diversity and STRIVE Scholars
Referrals SAC is a safe, welcoming place where all students are treated with respect. Walk-ins Phone referrals to x7527 or directly to appropriate staff to
Referrals Early Alert 3 ways to submit online referrals: Quick links for Faculty/Staff SAP Advisor Tab SAC website Students will be contacted within 2 working days. During high volume times this is not always possible. Faculty/Staff referring will be notified of receipt of referral and outcome of referral. LEAP will advise any student parent but only KY residents can be a LEAP participant Student Support Services applications for new and continuing freshman available online February 1 through June 1
Office Information Busy times for the office… M-F, 8:15-4:30 are generally busy Crazy Busy TimesActivity 2 weeks prior to start of semester First 3 weeks of semester Arrival of 80 new SSS Scholars, 30 LEAP student parents, and over 200 Textbook Borrowers MidtermsEA faculty referrals, SSS Academic Advising, Students in Financial Crisis Fall/Winter/Spring BreaksLEAP workshops (20 hours) End of termSAC Celebration of Student Achievement, Case Reviews, grant reports and audits, Textbook Returns
Office Information Early Alert Open to any NKU student Special support for Diversity Scholars, STRIVE Promise Scholars, and Housing Peer Mentors Administer SGA Grant – last dollar awards Have over 800 texts in Lending Library THE INSIDE SCOOP ON SAC…
Office Information Student Support Services (SSS) Federally funded grant program at NKU since 1970! One of 3 TRIO programs at NKU. Students must qualify to be an SSS Scholar. Limited to 225 first-generation college students from low/moderate income families. Develop Individualized Freshman, Career, and Graduation Plans for each SSS Scholar Federally required Services include academic advising, tutoring, financial aid assistance, and financial literacy. THE INSIDE SCOOP ON SAC…
Office Information LEAP State-funded grant program at NKU since 1999 Limited to student parents receiving public assistance from Commonwealth of Kentucky Students must qualify to be a LEAP Scholar Pays for on-campus employment for LEAP students Coordinates Holiday Help program THE INSIDE SCOOP ON SAC…
Office Information SAC can be a resource for you… Financial Literacy Under-Resourced College Students Community Resources for Student Parents First Generation College Students Dependable Strengths Articulation Process® THE INSIDE SCOOP ON SAC…