Chapter 23, Section 2: War With Spain Main Idea: In 1898, the Spanish-American War launched an age of American imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific.
A. Causes Cuba revolts from Spain in 1895 (after 400 yrs) Americans Support Cuban Independence Sympathy/Empathy –Americans could relate to Cuba’s situation (1776 – 13 colonies v. GB) Yellow Journalism –newspapers encouraged US involvement (to sell more papers). Their stories were usually exaggerated, making Spain look harsh & cruel (Hearst to a photographer: “You supply the pictures. I’ll supply the war.”) Economic Advantages - US would enjoy better trade with Cuba if Spain is out of the picture (better trade = more $) Remember the Maine! U.S.S. Maine (docked in Havana to “protect American citizens & property”) has an explosion on board that kills 260 sailors & Spain is blamed with no proof
Spain in Cuba
* Americans sympathized with the Cuban desire for freedom.
“Yellow Journalism” & Jingoism Joseph Pulitzer Hearst to Frederick Remington: You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war! William Randolph Hearst
"New York World" William Randolph Hearst "New York Journal" Joseph Pulitzer
“Remember the Maine”
Who is waiting? Why should we wait for the “facts”? Why might the United States want to go to war? What positive effects or outcomes could come from a war with Spain?
· Spain was accused of destroying the Maine, even though it has never been proven. · On April 25, 1898, Congress declared war on Spain. Video - wreckage of the battleship Maine Video - burial of the Maine victims
B. Events & People Dewey Takes Philippines – Commodore George Dewey smashed Spanish fleet at Manila Bay Fighting in Cuba – US soldiers were poorly supplied (wool, spoiled food, etc); Rough Riders (TR); Buffalo Soldiers (black) Santiago, San Juan Hill, Kettle Hill “A splendid little war.” – John Hay (3-4 mos. long, few casualties, gained a lot of land)
USA Cuba The Philippines
Battle Maps: Cuba & the Philippines
“A Splendid Little War”
Brave Dewey and His Men - Audio
Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders atop San Juan Heights, 1898 Rough Riders: Video
C. Treaty of Paris Cuba gains “independence” (see Platte Amendment) U.S. gains Puerto Rico & Guam from Spain U.S. pays Spain $20 mill. for possession of Philippines Many Americans protested the treaty, saying that it made the US a colonial power & the war was fought only to expand US. Others defended the treaty, saying that it benefited the US economically & militarily.
"Our Terms," Judge, 1898 by Eugene Zimmerman
D. Cuba, Puerto Rico & the Philippines Cuba – American soldiers stayed in Cuba after the war until the Cubans agreed to the Platte Amendment, which limited Cuban rights & allowed US to intervene . Puerto Rico – Foraker Act gave Puerto Ricans limited say in their affairs. Puerto Ricans were made US citizens in 1917 (a commonwealth) Philippines – Filipino nationalists, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, fought for independence from US for 3 yrs after war. Eventually got it after WWII.