Shepherding Those In Habitual Sin -SESSION 1- Shepherding Those In Habitual Sin Noah Brown
Why is This Such a Big Deal? If we don’t do this, We’ll burn out They’ll go from bad to worse Christ gets the blame SHEPHERDING THOSE IN HABITUAL SIN
Think Relationship Over Regimen Don’t assume they are a Christian Abiding leads to transformation, NOT tips and techniques Community is the life-blood of the Christian – isolation kills SHEPHERDING THOSE IN HABITUAL SIN
Think Shepherd Over Counselor Showing is better than pointing Sometimes love doesn’t feel “loving” Hard conversations don’t change people – consequences do Don’t work harder on their recovery than they do SHEPHERDING THOSE IN HABITUAL SIN
Think Prophet Over Power Only God has the power to change someone Your job is to speak on His behalf You can’t be their Holy Spirit They didn’t get there overnight They don’t need you – they need Jesus SHEPHERDING THOSE IN HABITUAL SIN
Blocking And Tackling Input: Block – Walk – Talk Remove Access Restrict Freedoms Fight Where You Can Fight Create Discipline Sober 24 Hours Proactive vs. Reactive Keep Going SHEPHERDING THOSE IN HABITUAL SIN