Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology This presentation was prepared under fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and is restricted from further use. Presented by Debra Feldhaus, Instructional Technology Facilitator Policy Code: 3225/7320
Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology Netiquette = net + etiquette OCS Policy - Policy Code: 3225/7320
Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology Policy Code: 3225/7320 Electronic mail and other transmissions on a computer network could be accessed by any user and should not be considered private. Incidental personal use of school computers is not prohibited so long as such use does not interfere with the employees job duties or performance and provided that any occasional personal communication originates in and from the employees assigned SchoolNet and from no other non-school sanctioned or non-approved internet service.
Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology Transmission through SchoolNet of the following information is prohibited and shall result in loss of access privileges and may result in other disciplinary or legal action: 1.Any material in violation of federal or state regulations including copyrighted or obscene materials; 2. Commercial activities, product promotion, political or illegal activities; 3. Inappropriate, threatening or abusive language or materials; 4. Personal identification information such as the address or phone number of the user or any other individual; or 5. Financial information such as credit card or bank account numbers.
Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology Keep communication to the point Identify the in the subject You dont have to forward everything – add a comment Avoid writing s with all CAPITAL LETTERS Think about your wording ~ Hello, Thank you, expression Dont be too informal Chain Letters?!? – Yikes Include a signature
Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology Make sure your does not come back to haunt you is not private Dont send anything that you wouldnt want your mother or boss to read Stop, Think, Breathe, Respond – Think about when to use Reply or Reply to All Respect others privacy – use Bcc if needed Remember that there is a real person on the receiving end of the ! or NOT
Onslow County Schools Division of Media and Instructional Technology Type unto others as you would have typed unto you