Notch signaling affects the frequency of different branch diameters in proportion to the original contribution. Notch signaling affects the frequency of.


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Presentation transcript:

Notch signaling affects the frequency of different branch diameters in proportion to the original contribution. Notch signaling affects the frequency of different branch diameters in proportion to the original contribution. Individual diameter frequencies (A–C) represented as a percent contribution to the total structure (D–F). (A,D) In control IHBD casts, 80–100 μm branch diameters represent the greatest frequency and percent contribution. (B,E) RBP KO IHBD casts show decreased frequency of all diameters with age, but the percent contribution per branch diameter was consistent with age. Therefore, all intermediate branches are lost in proportion to their original contribution. (C,F) NICD IHBD casts demonstrate consistent contribution of branch diameter at P60 and P90; however, at P120 there is a shift towards the main branch contribution. Vertical dotted line represents division between intermediate and main branches. Horizontal grey line represents 1 million (A–C) and 25% (D–F). Error bars represent s.e.m. Erin E. Sparks et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2011;4:359-367 © 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd