UN EXPERT GROUP MEETING ON 2010 WORLD PROGRAMME ON POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUSES New York – 22-26 August 2005 Susan Linacre Australian Bureau of Statistics
Working Group 1 Focus: Topics for inclusion, standards, definitions and classifications, and guidance in relation to enumeration of specific topics
Potential New Topics: Information and Communication Technology Environment Others Agriculture (Technical Subgroup 2-1) Health, mortality, leisure and household budget
Geographical and migration related: Defining total population: more explicit standards, particularly for usual residence Describing population: guidance on treatment of foreigner, year of arrival, multiple citizenship, sensitive populations Urban/rural
Family: Multiple household families Family nucleus: eg grandparent/grandchild
Education: School attendance v enrolment Literacy Vocational training
Economically active population: Employment/Unemployment: comparability with LFS data Informal sector Unpaid volunteer work
Disability: Use of WHO ICF framework Selection of elements of the framework based on purpose Identification of essential domains and additional domains Issue of number of questions required
Housing: Review of basic topics eg floor space Rental and owner occupant housing costs