Paul’s Epistles To The Churches & Saints In 4 4 Galatia Philippi 4 Ephesus Colossae
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians REVIEW Lesson 16 – Outline Opening Greetings & Thankfulness 1:1-11 Present situation in Rome, and its impact on the gospel he preached 1:12-26 Three Main Exhortations 1:27 – 2:18 – “Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel…” 1:27-30 – “Have this mind in you…” 2:1-11 – “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” 2:12-18 UNITY HUMILITY FAITHFULNESS
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians REVIEW Lesson 16 – Outline Personal plans re: Timothy & Epaphroditus 2:19-30 Warnings of the dangers re: false Judaizing teachers 3:1 – 4:1 Closing personal exhortations and expressions of gratitude 4:2-23
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” 1:27-30 Whether Paul came to Philippi or not, the saints needed to stand firm in one spirit, one mind striving together for the gospel v. 27 Not surprised by opposition v. 28a 1 Jn 3:13 Those opposed to the gospel are destined for destruction v. 28b 2 Thess 1:4-9 Saints will suffer…just like Paul vv. 29-30 Acts 14:22 2 Tim 3:12 UNITY
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” 2:1-11 Suffering should encourage v. 1 Jas 1:2-3 Those who suffer together are unified v. 2 As a result, there should be no selfishness; rather, we need to esteem others’ needs more important than our own vv. 3-4 Perfect example of this “mindset”… selfless Christ Jesus Himself vv. 5-11 HUMILITY
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” 2:1-11 The selfless mindset of Christ is the suffering saint’s example vv. 5-11 Laid aside His eternal privileges vv. 5-7a Took on human form of a “bondservant” v. 7b Humbled Himself to a cruel death v. 8 Proof that exaltation only comes after humble service to others is rendered vv. 9-11 HUMILITY
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” 2:12-18 Paul commended them for their obedience while he had been with them; now, he exhorts the same while he is absent from them v. 12a Salvation is the saints’ own to work out v. 12b (personal responsibility Gal 6:5) To be done “…with fear and trembling” (a sense of seriousness & humility re: the soul’s salvation) FAITHFULNESS
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” 2:12-18 Accomplished because God works in us v. 13 1 Thess 2:13 Heb 4:2 Phlm 10, 15-16 FAITHFULNESS POINT: Salvation is not just a past event… it is also spoken of as a “work in progress” & something to be eventually realized 1 Pet 1:9 2 Pet 1:10-11
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” 2:12-18 If saints “fear and tremble”…there will be no room for grumbling and disputing v. 14 – The attitudinal part of “working out our salvation” – Important to master given the culture we live in (malcontents, griping, whining, etc.) – Obedience to God should be rendered cheerfully and without complaints and murmurings toward one another (e.g. O.T. Israel) FAITHFULNESS
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” 2:12-18 Proper work with the right attitude proves the quality of a N.T. Christian vv. 15-16a – We are God’s children (be like our Father) – We are above reproach (w/o blemish) in a crooked world Lev 22:21-22 [Septuagint] – We shine as lights Mt 5:14-16 – Such a life “holds forth” (presents) the gospel to unbelievers in our daily living FAITHFULNESS
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 The Letter’s Three Main Exhortations “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” 2:12-18 Paul would glory if the Philippians would conduct themselves in such a way vv. 16b-18 – It would mean his work had not been in vain – Even if he were martyred, he could still rejoice – They were to rejoice “…in the same way” (give themselves, sacrifice daily in living for Christ and His gospel) FAITHFULNESS
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 Personal plans re: Timothy & Epaphroditus Re: Timothy 2:19-24 He hoped to send Timothy to learn the condition of the Philippian saints v. 19 No one else had earned Paul’s confidence like Timothy vv. 20-21 Timothy had proven his worth by laboring with Paul v. 22 As soon as Paul learned his own fate, he proposed to send Timothy to Philippi… and even return there himself vv. 23-24
Paul’s Epistle To The Philippians Lesson 16 – Phil 1:27 – 2:30 Personal plans re: Timothy & Epaphroditus Re: Epaphroditus 2:25-30 He did send Epaphroditus…most likely, he carried the letter back to Philippi v. 25 Epaphroditus longed for them, and was distressed when he learned they knew of his sickness “…to the point of death” vv. 26-27 Paul wanted the Philippians to… – rejoice when they saw him v. 28 – receive him with joy & esteem him for the risks he took in serving them/Paul vv. 29-30