The night is fast passing, The day is at hand, Day is at hand; Good Morning In Glory The night is fast passing, The day is at hand, Day is at hand; We’ve sighted the mountains of Beulah land, Sweet Beulah land. We’ll say good morning in glory, Good morning in glory; When the darkness has turned to day. 1-3 Words and Music by A. J. Gordon
With nailpierced hand, Nailpierced hand, Good Morning In Glory The Lamb on Mt. Zion With nailpierced hand, Nailpierced hand, Has opened the portals of Beulah land, Sweet Beulah land. We’ll say good morning in glory, Good morning in glory; When the darkness has turned to day. 2-3
Then sing, weary pilgrims, Good Morning In Glory Then sing, weary pilgrims, You’re nearing the strand, Nearing the strand, Where loved ones await you in Beulah land, Sweet Beulah land. We’ll say good morning in glory, Good morning in glory; When the darkness has turned to day. 3-3