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Presentation transcript:

Health Education Program Physical Education and Health Literacy M-DCPS The Truth About STI’S Sexually Transmitted Infections

What are STI’s? They’re infections that can be spread through sexual contact. You can get STI’S from vaginal, anal, or oral sex Some infections can also spread in other ways-such as skin to skin contact or by sharing needles. You can’t tell who has an STI.

Anyone can get an STI What puts you at risk?

It’s not who you are that puts you at risk, it’s what you do. You are at risk for an STI, including HIV, any time you have sex (oral, vaginal, or anal) with someone who is infected. You cannot tell by looking if a person is infected. The person may not even know that he or she is infected.

PROTECT YOURSELF Here’s what the experts say….. The most reliable way to avoid an STI is to be abstinent (not have oral, vaginal, or anal sex). Wait to have sex until marriage. Wait to have sex until you are in a monogamous relations where both partners are faithful and free of STIs. If you choose to have sex, use latex condoms every time. It is safest for both partners to get tested for STIs, including HIV, before having oral, vaginal or anal sex If you choose to have sex and you have not both been tested first, always use condoms.


HIV HUMAN IMMUNO DEFICIENCY VIRUS HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. It is passed from one person to another through body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk). HIV stays in your body forever. Drug treatments can control the virus in some people, but not in everyone. Drug treatments can also have serious side effects.

Syphilis Syphilis starts out as a painless sore in or around the vagina, penis, mouth or anus. It is spread by contact with these open sores. Syphilis can cause serious health problems, like blindness, brain damage and nervous system damage if it’s not treated. It can be cured with antibiotics, but damage done by the disease cannot be reversed.


Herpes Herpes is passed through skin-to-skin contact. Many people will not have any symptoms (but they can still pass the virus to others); other people will get sores on the mouth, genitals or anus. Herpes is a virus and will stay in your body forever. Medications can help control the symptoms

Human papillomavirus (hpv) genital warts There are over 40 types of sexually transmitted HPV. Some types of HPV cause genital warts; other types increase the risk of cervical cancer in women. Many people have HPV and never have any symptoms or signs. To lower the risk of cervical cancer caused by HPV, women need to get regular Pap test (Pap smears).

GONORRHEA A person can have gonorrhea and have no symptoms. But if he or she does have symptoms, they may include pain when urinating, and a discharge from the penis or vagina. If it is not treated, gonorrhea can cause serious health problems including sterility (inability to have children), heart problems, and swelling around the brain, joints and sex organs. Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics


CHLAMYDIA About 3 million people in the U.S. are infected with Chlamydia every year. Many people don’t have any symptoms. If a person does have symptoms, they may include an unusual genital discharge and pain or burning when urinating . Chlamydia can be treated and cured with antibiotics. If it is not treated, it can cause sterility (inability to have children in both men and women.

PEDICULOSIS PUBIS Other names are crabs, pubic lice, and cooties. Passed by direct contact with infested person or by infested sheets, towels, and clothing. Some persons may not have any symptoms. Others have intense itching, blue or gray spots, and insects or nits (eggs) in the pubic area. Cured with special creams, lotions, or shampoos.

HEPATITIS B Hepatitis B is a virus that is passed through unprotected sex and sharing needles. It is considered 100 times more contagious than HIV and it can cause serious liver damage. Possible symptoms include fever, diarrhea and vomiting, but some people do not have symptoms. Hepatitis B can go away, but some people stay sick, possibly for the rest of their lives. There is a vaccine to prevent hepatitis B.

CHOOSING ABSTINENCE When you choose abstinence for protection from STDs, it means you are deciding not to take any chances. Abstinence protects you when you practice it in all situations. You can have sexual feelings and still choose abstinence for protection.

What About Oral Sex? Oral Sex is not risk free!! Herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis are STI’s that can be passed through oral sex. Consider the risk of oral sex. For you health, make good choices about oral, vaginal and anal sex.

SAFER SEX Condoms are not a guarantee-there is still some risk. Safer sex means using condoms For people who choose to have sex, latex condoms offer good protection from STI's when used correctly and every time. Condoms are not a guarantee-there is still some risk.

DRUGS, TATTOOS & BODY PIERCINGS Can STI’S be passed through needles?

Because STI’s such as HIV and hepatitis can be passed through blood sharing needles can be very risky. It is safest to never share needles or other equipment for drugs, steroids, vitamins, hormones, tattooing or body piercing. If you use needles, always use a new needle. Contact your local HIV prevention program to ask about needle exchange programs in you rare or how to clean needles to prevent the spread of HIV. If you use needles for drugs, get help to stop. Your life and your health are too important.

Knowledge is Power! Protect yourself, remember anyone can be infected with an STI. Get tested if you have been doing risky behaviors, If you have an STI, get treatment!