Fiscal policy program Presented by Cindy Draper, Fiscal Policy Officer – Policy Advisory Group
Introduction to Fiscal Policy Program PURPOSE To effectively manage all aspects of fiscal policy, and provide policy, rules, procedures, guidelines & other resources. Overview Structure Navigating Through Online Manual OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
Roles & Responsibilities Fiscal Policy Committee Objectives: To support the development and maintenance of OSU’s fiscal policy & associated rules; provide guidance & make recommendations to ensure fiscal policy is consistent with university policies & standards, as well as the DFA strategic plan; and promote open/transparent communication & facilitate participation in fiscal policy matters Fiscal Policy Stewards Content expert for a particular policy or rule, designated from a unit within the Controller’s Office Fiscal Policy Coordinators Designated point of contact within each Business Center for administering & enforcing fiscal policy; serve as liaisons between staff & the Fiscal Policy Committee; and responsible for processing, implementing & communicating new or revised fiscal policies & associated rules OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
What’s New New website to provide easy access to all fiscal policies and associated rules, and related resources – New Fiscal Policy Manual, with new format and numbering system New Status Report to track policy under review or revision Program procedures, forms & other resources developed to standardize and improve processes related to requests, inquiries & maintenance of fiscal policies & associated rules Ongoing effort to review of each policy to ensure that purpose and intent are clear & reasonable; university’s risk assessment is reflected; content is consistent with university policies & standards, as well as the strategic plan of the DFA; and content is relevant and aligned with the current governance structure OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY