PBIS Summer Institute 2019 Roseville, MN Eric Kloos, PBIS Management Team June 11, 2019
An Implementation Journey in Minnesota
Takeaways Minnesota has a 15 year history of supporting PBIS Waves of exemplar schools Talented, dedicated trainers, coaches, evaluators and implementers from the field in Minnesota schools. Star regional and MDE staff to support district and school implementation When teams have access to their own practice and implementation data, their ability to action plan and improve is outstanding and the key to sustainability. Setting a foundation of the things that Caryn will talk about in her keynote to set up the Drivers and other active implementation frameworks. Takeaway #1 Scaling, and only growing as fast as your ability to do it well. Easy to race to ‘statewide’, but no examples of that happening quickly. For those in attendance, be on the lookout for purveyors who can help you support practices that get to your valued outcomes. LeAnne Rachel Person-centered Who is it for foster care, child welfare, mental health? Look at it across the lifespan to open that view, school-link and be aware of what’s available for the bigger picture of the people that you are serving. Think about the connections before. There are purveyors. What are the alternatives to living a purveyor-less life? If you don’t have trainers, and it’s a practice you’re not yet fluent in. A brand new slide for choices relative to purveyors. There’s a distrust in education if it’s something that has a training structured. You have the ability to make these choices that aren’t really evaluative on the flipside, but the lack of use of PDSAs, then it crashes. We haven’t yet been descriptive about a non-purveyor based practice. The Hexagon helps you. It can also connect you with a purveyor to ensure that, given you have freedom to adapt and change to make sense to you, you know whether or not you are implementing the core features. It helps to rethink the role of purveyor so you have consistent access, necessary across all stages. Purveyor gives you the potential for research and evidence from the start, paired with a well-developed training structure. Otherwise, with a less formal training structure, there are less evaluation tools for implementation in place. These are the things that would tell you that’s a bumpy road ahead. And it starts with thinking that you are if you are picking a practice without the purveryor, it’s unlikely you are doing any of the supports. Examples prior to SSIP work of training but never getting off the ground. Takeaway #2 If we only knew this over 10 years ago, from what we have learned now. 8/22/2019 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. | education.mn.gov
Schoolwide PBIS Growth in Minnesota (2019) 690 schools
Connecting Capacity and Fidelity “Pavement Ends Sign” Willow River, MN Target Field: Minnesota Twins (Minnie & Paul) They aren’t the same thing. They’re both important. The road to outcomes is paved with both.
Capacity The ability to facilitate and support implementation of effective innovations; including the systems, activities, and resources that are necessary for successfully adopting and sustaining the innovation.
Fidelity Doing what is intended. Assessing fidelity requires: knowing what is intended, and… having some way of knowing the extent to which a person did what was intended.
Districtwide Implementation Scaling Exemplar Schools in District Implementing PBIS in 2011
Districtwide Implementation Scaling Exemplar Schools in District Implementing PBIS in 2014
Districtwide Implementation Scaling Exemplar Schools in District Implementing PBIS in 2017
Fidelity and Capacity: What Have We Learned? Given implementation and fidelity data, teams do a great job picking next steps that lead to growth Be comfortable with fidelity following capacity After experiences with these improvement cycles, you will learn to enjoy the anticipation The number of Minnesota schools that measured their implement fidelity this school year (as of June 1) = 397 *
PDSA Cycles: Research Improvement Cycles Plan – Decide what to do Do – Do it Study – Look at the results Act/Adjust – Make adjustments Cycle – Do over and over again until the intended benefits are realized Shewhart (1924); Deming & Juran (1948); Six-Sigma (1990) Meta Analysis by Taylor, M. J., McNicholas, C., Nicolay, C., Darzi, A., Bel, D., & Reed, J. E. (2014). Systematic review of the application of the plan–do–study–act method to improve quality in healthcare. British Medical Journal of Quality and Safety, 23(290-298). “Less than 20% (14/73) fully documented the application of a sequence of iterative cycles.” p. 290 ABSTRACT Background Plan–do–study–act (PDSA) cycles provide a structure for iterative testing of changes to improve quality of systems. The method is widely accepted in healthcare improvement; however there is little overarching evaluation of how the method is applied. This paper proposes a theoretical framework for assessing the quality of application of PDSA cycles and explores the consistency with which the method has been applied in peer-reviewed literature against this framework. Methods NHS Evidence and Cochrane databases were searched by three independent reviewers. Empirical studies were included that reported application of the PDSA method in healthcare. Application of PDSA cycles was assessed against key features of the method, including documentation characteristics, use of iterative cycles, prediction-based testing of change, initial small-scale testing and use of data over time. Results 73 of 409 individual articles identified met the inclusion criteria. Of the 73 articles, 47 documented PDSA cycles in sufficient detail for full analysis against the whole framework. Many of these studies reported application of the PDSA method that failed to accord with primary features of the method. Less than 20% (14/73) fully documented the application of a sequence of iterative cycles. Furthermore, a lack of adherence to the notion of small-scale change is apparent and only 15% (7/47) reported the use of quantitative data at monthly or more frequent data intervals to inform progression of cycles. Discussion To progress the development of the science of improvement, a greater understanding of the use of improvement methods, including PDSA, is essential to draw reliable conclusions about their effectiveness. This would be supported by the development of systematic and rigorous standards for the application and reporting of PDSAs.
Opportunities to Sustain and Align Efforts Over Time Keep Track of “Hits and Misses” An implementation story never ends Aligning PBIS with other related work: Restorative Practices Trauma-Informed Practices School-Based Mental Health Social Emotional Learning
Paul Bunyan and Babe The Blue Ox, Bemidji, MN Sustaining PBIS Implementation over time keeps changing Use implementation data to action plan on areas that will help you Use implementation data and results to sustain efforts and build support Build capacity in others to keep it going. Paul Bunyan and Babe The Blue Ox, Bemidji, MN
PBIS in Minnesota: Cascading Support Teachers support kids Schools support teachers Districts support schools Regions support districts MDE supports regions National Center supports MDE Cascade River, Lutsen, MN
Annual PBIS Sustaining Exemplar Recognition The purpose of Minnesota PBIS Sustaining Exemplar Recognition is to identify and recognize exemplar schools that have completed PBIS implementation and are continuing to achieve positive student outcomes. These schools and districts will be able to demonstrate exemplary status by sustaining school-wide PBIS (SW-PBIS) with fidelity in the current 2018-2019 school year. Criteria are based on effective implementation of the essential components outlined by our national Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. http://pbismn.org/statewide/sustaining-exemplar-schools.php Identify and recognize exemplar schools that are implementing PBIS and are continuing to achieve positive student outcomes. These schools and districts demonstrate exemplary status by sustaining school-wide PBIS (SW-PBIS) with fidelity each school year. Criteria are based on effective implementation of the essential components outlined by our purveyor, the Technical Assistance Center on PBIS. 8/22/2019 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. | education.mn.gov
MNPBS Network Purpose MNPBS Network is bringing practitioners together across settings, populations and the lifespan to articulate key PBS features and share about exemplary PBS at a community level.
APBS Conference 2021 – Minneapolis March 17th-20th Hyatt Regency - Minneapolis https://twitter.com/MNPBS/status/960660570532990976
Enjoy the Conference! Minnesota PBIS Boundary Waters Canoe Area The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness - Over a million acres of pristine wilderness used primarily for canoeing and camping on the Minnesota-Canadian border. Minnesota PBIS Boundary Waters Canoe Area