State of play of OP negotiations – ESF Structured Dialogue – 23 April 2015 Manuela GELENG, Head of Unit, DG EMPL, E1
I. Overview of planned OPs Total number of OPs supported by the ESF: 187 (2007-2013: 117) 95 mono-fund OPs, including 2 dedicated YEI OPs (FR and IT) 92 multi-fund OPs All OPs submitted (including 34 OPs with YEI)
II. Statistics on adoption of OPs (04/03/15) Number of ESF supported OPs adopted: By 31.12.2014: 128 – out of which 28 OPs supported by the YEI By 04.03.2015 : 150 - out of which 32 OPs supported by the YEI (OPs under carry-over) Number of ESF supported OPs to be adopted: After the MFF Revision: 37 out of which 2 OPs supported by the YEI (CZ, HU, IT, ES, SE, UK)
Austria 1 Belgium 4 Bulgaria 3 2 Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep. Denmark MEMBER STATE Total number of OPs Adopted by end of 2014 Carry-over (all adopted) To be adopted after MFF amendment Austria 1 Belgium 4 Bulgaria 3 2 Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep. Denmark Estonia Finland France 33 Germany 17 16 Greece Hungary 5 Ireland
Italy 29 20 1 8 Latvia Lithuania Luxemburg Malta Netherlands Poland 17 MEMBER STATE Total number of OPs Adopted by end of 2014 Carry-over (all adopted) To be adopted after MFF amendment Italy 29 20 1 8 Latvia Lithuania Luxemburg Malta Netherlands Poland 17 9 Portugal 10 Romania 2 Slovakia Slovenia Spain 23 22 Sweden United Kingdom 6 4
III. Some financial data on the basis of PA/OP ESF share = € 86.4 billion = 24.8 % ESF and selected thematic objectives (% of ESF allocation for all OPs – including YEI - TA not included) TO 8: employment: 40% (39.75%) TO 9: social inclusion: 25% (24.57%) TO 10 education: 31% (31.45%) TO 11: ACB: 4% (4.23%)
IV. State of play for all OPs: breakdown of ESF and YEI by investment priority (1) TO 8 - Employment thematic objective 39.75 % 8i – Access to employment 12.96 % - 8ii – Sustainable integration of young people 14.76 % + 8iii – Self-employment 2.57 % - 8iv – Equality between men and women 1.79 % + 8v – Adaptation of workers 5.88 % - 8vi – Active and healthy ageing 0.64 % + 8 vii – Modernisation of labour market institutions 1.15 % -
IV. State of play for all OPs: breakdown of ESF and YEI by investment priority (2) TO 9 – Social inclusion 24.57 % 9i – Active inclusion 14.96 % - 9ii – Socio-economic integration of marginalised communities 1.55 % + 9iii – Non-discrimination and equal opportunities 0.68 % - 9iv – Access to services 4.70 % - 9v – Social entrepreneurship 1.48 % + 9vi – CLLD strategies 1.19 % -
IV. State of play for all OPs: breakdown of ESF and YEI by investment priority (3) TO 10 – Education 31.45 % 10i – Early school leaving 9.42 % - 10ii – Higher education 5.72 % + 10iii – Lifelong learning 8.43 % - 10iv – Vocational education and training 7.88 % +
IV. State of play for all OPs: breakdown of ESF and YEI by investment priority (4) TO 11 – Administrative capacity building 4.23 % 11i – Efficiency of public administration 4.02 % + 11ii – Capacity building of stakeholders delivering employment, education, LLL, training and social policies 0.21 % -
IV. State of play for all OPs: 6 investment priorities with the highest allocation (ESF and YEI) Active inclusion – 9i 14.96% Sustainable integration of young people – 8ii 14.76% Access to employment – 8i 12.96% Early school leaving – 10i 9.42 % Lifelong learning - 10iii 8.43% Vocational education and training – 10iv 7.88%