Mexico and Venezuela SS6G3 Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Mexico and Venezuela affect where people live and how they trade.
Mexico’s Location South border of the U.S. Coasts border Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, & Caribbean Sea Northern most country of Latin America Very Mountainous with a Large central plateau. Most land is too dry & rugged to grow crops (only 12% of the soil is arable-farmable) Earthquakes and volcanic activity
Climate of Mexico Mostly dry and warm Hottest in June-August Wettest June-August
Natural Resources: Mexico Petroleum Natural gas Silver Copper Gold Lead Zinc Timber Coffee/fruits/vegetables
Mexico’s Population 111 million people live in Mexico 77% Urban/23% rural 20% of population live in Mexico City 2nd most populated country in Latin America
Venezuela’s Location Northeast part of South America Coasts border Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean Located just North of the Equator Mountains in the North/Central Plains w/ low mountains in South Only 3% arable-farmable land. Most land used for pastures.
Climate of Venezuela Hot, tropical climate Cooler in the mountains Rain varies by region (16 inches on the coast & >100 inches in the mountains)
Physical Features of Venezuela
Natural Resources of Venezuela Petroleum Natural Gas Iron ore Gold Bauxite Hydro-power Diamonds
Population of Venezuela 28 million people live in Venezuela Most people live in the northern highlands/ coastal cities 88% urban/12% rural
Mexico vs. Venezuela Similarities Differences_ Location: Climate: Resources: Population: