Bolton Community Homes Board meeting 5 July 2019
North West Turnover £42.6m
development Long standing investor in Bolton - vested interest in supporting future sustainability and growth of the Town Centre. 845 homes in Bolton – 1, 2, 3, 4 beds: flats, bungalows, houses Proven record of delivering high quality, affordable housing and remain committed to do so going forward. The partnership remains a strong force for delivery, with BCH enabling development through discounted land and assistance through the planning process.
development Challenges in Bolton cost/value and land availability: MSV is a keen partner to make things work Sheltered housing re-modelling - also relevant for Farnworth Town Centre - need for re-improvement AND new build New HAPPI scheme at St Columba’s – early stages: 24 homes for older people for affordable rent & SO units – bidding for Care & Support funding from Homes England moving towards phasing out gas/ zero carbon targets
gm moving - farnworth MSV – Farnworth UCAN over 2 decades GM Moving - selected as one of the 12 Local Delivery Pilots by Sport England. The Farnworth UCAN has successfully received £2,000 to form part of the insight project for the Bolton Delivery Pilot. Engagement sessions for the local community at the end of July. Targeting inactive children, young people and families. An investment of funding will be made to organisations that can address the root cause of inactivity and promote system change.
community activity and investment - UCAN Counselling service, delivered by an MSV volunteer targeting those who require support around family or relationship breakdowns, depression and dealing with a bereavement. NHS Psychological Therapy sessions one day per week at the UCAN, currently looking to expand the offer to two days per week Probation Service to meet clients once a week Barrier Busting - help and support with CV’s and provides lots of practical advice to break down those barriers to work Weekly knit and natter social group, pregnancy massage Drop in for support with PIPs, Universal Credit Procure Plus will be using its social funds to invest at the UCAN. Approximately £10,000 will be invested from April 2019 – March 2020 to support people into training and employment.
bch other thoughts BCH membership and plans Your Housing Group building 250 homes – member of BCH ? Where are we on L & Q, Clarion etc Refresh vision in line with new Vision 2030 thinking Secure commitment from existing members More support from children’s and adult services? Town Centre and Farnworth Master plans Council have £100m to spend on public realm – BCH partners well placed to help Mainly commercial and private residences - Midia and Chinese investment Low numbers on affordable – push on other markets What role do BCH partners play- probably the delivery in outer areas Supported Housing and commissioning – what is happening? Small sites – going private and some to BCH partners hopefully at discounted values.