What We Are Learning This Week: Mrs. Simmons’s News November 12-16 2018 csimmons@ponderisd.net 479-8390 Spelling Words: List 11 hens boxes bells eggs wishes stamps ducks dresses dishes bikes names grapes Word Wall Words: may, new, please, our, there Vocabulary Words: understand, gathered, impatient, impossible, believe, problem, demand, furious There will be a Veterans Day program at 6:30 tonight. Please send a jacket to school with your child every day. We go to recess in the mornings, and it is usually chilly. What We Are Learning This Week: READING: conclusions, pre-, mis- Story: “Click, Clack, Moo” ENGLISH: kinds of sentences SPELLING: s, es MATH: graphs SCIENCE: rocks, freshwater, salt water Important Dates: Nov. 12 Veterans Day Program Nov. 19-23 Thanksgiving Break Homework: Every night study spelling words. Monday: read Poetry folder Tuesday: read book in folder Wednesday: read selection summary Thursday: read book in folder