Creating your Works Cited Page and Title Page
General Rules for Works Cited Pages in MLA Format Double space everything on a Works Cited page. Center the title Works Cited (no bold, italics, or underlining) and place it at the top of the page. Use a “hanging indent” after the first line of each entry.
General Rules for Works Cited Entries The author is usually first in a Works Cited entry, followed by the source’s title(s) and publication information. If there is no author, the article title should be first Place the titles of smaller works (articles, short stories, book chapters, poems, songs) in quotation marks. Italicize the titles of larger works (books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and films). Capitalize the first letter of each word in titles (except articles (a, an, the), short prepositions, or conjunctions).
More Rules for a Works Cited Page Sources are listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name If there is no author, then alphabetize by the first major word in the article title (not “A”, “An”, or “The”) ONLY INCLUDE SOURCES THAT YOU ACTUALLY CITED IN YOUR PAPER ON YOUR WORKS CITED PAGE!
OK: so what does it look like? Centered Title “Hanging” Indent I can’t edit this page because of the way it was created. Everything is double-spaced, and there are no line spaces between entries.
Works Cited Entry for a Book Wow! Look at the connection! In-text Citation The ideal context for identity formation is “a supportive and respectful family” (Levine 169). Works Cited Entry Works Cited Levine, Madeleine, Ph.D. See No Evil: A Guide to Protecting Our Children from Media Violence. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Print.
Works Cited Entry for a Periodical In-text Citation A graphic example is the series of school shootings that have occurred in recent years—the most recent occurred on March 21, 2005, at Red Lake High School on an Indian reservation in Minnesota, where a seventeen-year-old male, who had just killed his grandparents, shot and killed five students, a teacher and a security guard, wounded many others and then turned the gun on himself (Wilgoren A-1). Works Cited Entry Works Cited Wilgoren, Jodi. “Shooting Rampage by Student Leaves 10 Dead on Reservation.” New York Times 22 Mar. 2005, sec. 1: A-1+. Print.
Works Cited Entry for a Web Site In-text Citation Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Johnson spent seventeen years recording the viewing habits of children in 707 families in Upstate New York and found that the ones “who watched one to three hours of television each day . . . were 60% more likely to be involved in assaults and fights as those who watched less TV” (“Research”). Works Cited Entry Works Cited “Research on the Effects of Media Violence.” Media Awareness Network. 2005. Web. 12 Mar. 2005
The Title Page Center everything on your title page About 1/3 from the top of the page, place the title of your paper In the middle of the page, place your full name Towards the bottom of the page, place the following info (each on a different line): Course name Instructor’s name Due Date
Sample Title Page