THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH (4) The Church Described (2)


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Presentation transcript:

THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH (4) The Church Described (2)

In our last study: We addressed some descriptions: The church is a “called out body” The church is the “body of Christ” The church is the “Kingdom of God”

In our last study: I did also mention to you that sadly, many people do not understand these concepts. Not even Christians, for if they would have known them, they would not treat the church the way many do.

So… this morning! My purpose in this series is to edify Northside, so that we all can understand the church of the New Testament. This morning I would like to share FOUR more descriptions mentioned in The New Testament to describe the church, or what belongs to Christ. We cannot claim to be part of the true Body of the Lord, unless we understand who we truly are in the spiritual sense. I will say brothers, the point here is not so much the ‘KNOW’, but rather, the attitude that you must have towards the church of the Lord. Many people KNOW, but don’t know, the real attitude they must have towards the body of Christ.

The household of God We are a family Eph 2:19, 1 Tim 3:15 Eph 3:14-15 – the whole family of God God is our Father 2 Cor 6:18, Rom 8:16, 1 John 3:1

Our entrance into that family Adoption – Rom 8:15, Gal 4:5, Eph 1:5 The household of God Our entrance into that family The “new birth” John 3:3-5 Adoption – Rom 8:15, Gal 4:5, Eph 1:5

The household of God As a part of the household of God: We obey the Father – 1 Pet 1:14 We accept His chastening – Heb 12:3-11 We act like a godly family – 1 John 4:7, 20-21 We wear His name proudly – Acts 4:11-12, 11:26

Do you treat your wife the way you treat the church? If we are the family of God, as description #4 is teaching us this morning, how do we treat each other? FAMILY! Do you treat your wife the way you treat the church? Do you treat your children the way you treat the church? Do you treat your parents the way you treat the church?

The vineyard of the Lord Kingdom parables Mat 20:1-16 – laborers rewarded Mat 21:28-32 – parable of two sons Mat 21:33-44 – rejected landowner Mat 13:1-9, 18-23 – parable of the sower

The vineyard of the Lord 1 Corinthians 3:9 – God’s fellow workers, God’s field, building. John 15:1-8 – Jesus the vine, we are the branches

The vineyard of the Lord As part of the vineyard We are to abide in Him – John 15:6 We are to produce fruit – 1 Thes 1:8, Phil 1:4-5. At the end, we will be harvested – Mat 13:24-30, 36-43

If we are the Lord’s Vineyard, as description #5 has taught us, are you producing? GIVING FRUITS! Can you count how much fruits you are producing as part of the vineyard of God? Remember, when the Lord returns for the second time, He will be asking you how much work you did in His Vineyard.

The place of worship under the Old Law. The temple of God Tabernacle/temple The place of worship under the Old Law. Given according to God’s pattern – Exodus 25:8-9, Deut 12:5 1 Chro 28:19-20

God is revered and worshipped. The temple of God The church is the temple of God Ephesians 2:21-22, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, Hebrews 8:1-2 The place of worship, governed by priests and sacrifices, and preserving the Law. God is revered and worshipped.

The temple of God The church as the temple: Built by God with Christ as the Chief Cornerstone – 1 Cor 3:9-11, Eph 2:20, 1 Peter 2:6-7 We are living stones in that temple – 1 Peter 2:4-5, Eph 2:19-21

The temple of God The church as the temple: We are a dwelling place for God We are priests – 1 Peter 2:5,9 We worship God – 1 Peter 2:5, Heb 13:15-16; Rom 12:1-2

If we are the Lord’s temple, as description #6 has taught us, are you acting like a real priest? MY BODY IS THE TEMPLE! When we come together as a congregation, God is expecting us to give the best of ourselves… are we doing it? Can we offer to the Lord the leftovers of our lives? Can we offer to the the Lord the broken, the maimed, and the lame? Will He accept it?

Two analogies Married to Him - Eph 5:22-23 The bride of Christ The church as His bride Two analogies Married to Him - Eph 5:22-23 Betrothed to Him 2 Cor 11:2 Paul says: “chaste virgin”, of course in the spiritual sense, but what is the implication of that?

The bride of Christ As the bride of Christ: We belong to Him – He is our head - Eph 1:22-23 We keep ourselves pure - 2 Cor 11:2, Eph 5:25-27 To bear fruit – Rom 7:4 The final “marriage” – Rev 21:9, 22:17, 19:9

Can we fornicate as a church? If we are the Lord’s bride, as description #7 has taught us, will you betray your husband? MARRIED TO THE LORD! Would you be happy as a wife, to only see your husband once in a while? Can you flirt around knowing that you have been married to ONLY one husband? Can we fornicate as a church? How, you will ask? Following different doctrines, following the world, forsaking the assemblies, not living pure lives, not being loyal to God.

Am I doing my part to fulfill these qualities in His church?